Seams in textures issues exporting CC3 content to 3ds max in Vray Render via FBX
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By vertxmax - 4 Years Ago
Hi everyone!

There were problems with textures after exporting to 3ds max. I am using Vray 3.6.

In character creator, the seams in the textures are not visible.

 In 3ds max, after setting the vray material, seams appear on the textures.

My Vray material settings

Ambient occlusion map didn't help.
What could be the problem? How to remove seams?
By animagic - 4 Years Ago
I'm not familiar with Vray, but one thing you could test is doing a render without hair. The Character Creator shader is fairly complicated, so there may be something with the hair that is causing this.
By SamCosta - 4 Years Ago
Hi, i'm searching for a teacher to render in 3ds max- vray like in CC3. I pay