How to sell scenes and props for Cartoon Animator 4 in the market place
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By Otep - 4 Years Ago
Hello and good day to all!. 
Pardon  me for my ignorance but how do I and what do I do to be able to sell my designs ( scenes, props and characters) for cartoon animator 4 in the market place. I currently installed the Content Uploader but the samples were about the iClone Content.
I appreciate all the help I can get to be able to sell my designs (to be able to purchase future programs from reallusion in the future :) )
Secondly, how do i get the Link the content to an encompassing pack in Content Store for cross promotion.

Thank you very much.
By Otep - 4 Years Ago
Otep (1/13/2021)
Hello and good day to all!. 
Pardon  me for my ignorance but how do I and what do I do to be able to sell my designs ( scenes, props and characters) for cartoon animator 4 in the market place. I currently installed the Content Uploader but the samples were about the iClone Content.
I appreciate all the help I can get to be able to sell my designs (to be able to purchase future programs from reallusion in the future :) )
Secondly, how do i get the Link the content to an encompassing pack in Content Store for cross promotion.

Thank you very much.