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By blackhawk - 4 Years Ago
Is there a way to convert a CC3+ Character that you have created to a CC3 character for export as fbx.  The reason is because I want the character to have a binding T-pose instead of an A-pose that CC3+ uses.  This is for an external program that I am using and requires the T-pose.  And yes I have already tried to change he default pose for export as well as export embedding the T-pose using unity and unreal preset,
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Unfortunately you can't convert back to CC3 from CC3+.

However, you should be able to export a CC3+ with T-Pose. Just change the FBX Options dropdown to "Mesh" and then check T-Pose as the Default Pose (see below).
By cynthia.fridsma_42 - 3 Years Ago
With Character Creator 4, you can convert your character to Game Base, which is basically a CC3 character I think, because when convert a character to Game Base I can dress the character in DAZ Genesis 2 outfits, which is awesome.