By aquariannatural - 4 Years Ago
When I posted a large (17:30 min) feature to youtube there was a lot of loss and distortion. Experimenting using Davinci Resolve I can solve most problems by changing to a 60 FPS. CTA 4.4 won't let you render in any form above 30 FPS and that's just in AVI which DaVinci won't accept. I feel most problems I experience would be solved by being able to have CTA render 60 or higher in most formats especially MP4. Sure it takes longer but the final product will be worth it.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
Frame rate doesn't affect the quality of the rendered video or cause loss or distortion.
If you are using MP4 format do make sure the Quality sliders are set to the highest setting.
However, if you want to render without losing any quality at all you can choose either AVI uncompressed video or use Sequence Image PNG. Both formats are lossless and give you the best quality to work with in your chosen editing software.