Great new Neural Filter Smart Portrait in Photoshop
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By toystorylab - 5 Years Ago
If you can only find pix of smiling people/open mouth (most of them do),
the new Neural Filters in Photoshop will change smiles/open mouth
into neutral/closed mouth within a few clicks ;)
Filter>Neural Filters>Beta Filters>Smart Portrait>Be Happy!
By Kelleytoons - 5 Years Ago
Thanks for mentioning this.  The old age option works pretty well, too (particularly if you combine it with Headshot's aging options).

The one filter I'm most interested in, however, isn't implemented (yet?).  The caricature one.  I said I was interested in it to them and I hope they get it working soon (I can see a LOT of use for it with CC3).
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
One would almost be tempted to get Photoshop for this...:ermm:
By r78zj99 - 5 Years Ago

from Alan

By Kelleytoons - 5 Years Ago
animagic (12/8/2020)
One would almost be tempted to get Photoshop for this...:ermm:

I am, at times, tempted to cancel my subscription to the Adobe cloud but then things like this come along and I find I can't live without.  Recently they updated a TON of new stuff that I haven't had a chance to even check out (hence my ignorance on this).  I do think you get your money's worth, assuming you can afford it (if you're a student it's kind of a no-brainer).
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
I usually try to even out the lighting of the faces I use, and I can get a reasonable result in Paint Shop Pro. (I don't like using the trick to mirror half the face, as faces with some asymmetry are more interesting IMHO.)

Anyway, does Photoshop have something to make that easier?
By Kelleytoons - 5 Years Ago
That same beta filter that removes the smile also has a lighting direction adjustment that *can* work if the lighting is not too extreme.

For example, here is one image I played around with just to test the filter out.  The before image is not evenly lit:

Using the filter produces a much better result:

But this next image is too extreme -- the shadows in particular on the nose make it impossible to balance (and, honestly, it's too blown out even on the lit side):

So no magic filter can really help:

These are all one button press options -- for the latter image I could use some blocking and masking with levels and get a decent result I suspect, but for those looking for a quick fix there's nothing that easy in PS (but I would say that PS is one of the most sophisticated editors I've ever seen.  From time to time I try out suggested alternatives and none of them can really hold a candle when it comes to the power tools.  The healing brush alone is worth the price -- I could not live without it and it has saved my bacon on MANY occasions.  In the first image the gal has a blemish or something odd on the right side of her nose that the healing brush would fix in less than a second.
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
Thanks, Mike, that's helpful.

That "blemish" that you mention is a nose ring...:unsure: Young people seem to need to maim themselves...:crazy: Or maybe that's just an old man talking...:doze:
By Kelleytoons - 5 Years Ago
Yeah, after I posted I did realize that was what it was.  So, so odd that an otherwise beautiful girl would do that, but young folks in general have odd senses of beauty (which they mostly grow out of).
By toystorylab - 5 Years Ago
Sorry for late reply, I simply had to do some work...

@ Mike
Did not know there is a "caricature slider" coming, that would be great.
Will surely not be comparable to what member "Mythcons" is conjuring
but having a quick way to make a cartoon character (at least the face) would be awesome...
And, yes, the "aging slider" also works great.

@ Job
I also would not want to miss Photoshop, I use it for years now.
I also hate subscriptions, but since Adobe made that change it is affordable for way more people...
I have CC Cloud and I'm very happy with that bundle...

@ both of you ;)
Don't sneer at nose-rings!
I'm 50 and I "wear" one for over 30 years now... :D

By animagic - 5 Years Ago
I started the Photoshop trial so we'll see how it goes. I'm quite happy with Vegas as my NLE, so I don't need anything else at the moment.
By animagic - 5 Years Ago
Playing a bit with the Neural Filters. Original is an AI-generated portrait.

Head Shot portrait after working on the image in PS and then upscaling in Gigapixel. No SkinGen applied yet, which would help add character.