CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - bradyrigg - Malecius, The Shadow Monarch
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By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago
This will be my WIP for the Animated Character - CC Digital Human Contest 2020. Malecius is my brother's D&D character. My goal for this project is to take a character from concept to game-ready, and then implement him in a UE4 project; all within 2 months!

Below are my references!

I will be posting the same things on my Artstation Account:
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago
This will be my WIP for the Animated Character - CC Digital Human Contest 2020. Malecius is my brother's D&D character. My goal for this project is to take a character from concept to game-ready, and then implement him in a UE4 project; all within 2 months! I am currently done with the sculpt and working on the retopo. This post will contain part one, setting up the base mesh in CC3. I have recorded my entire process, I just need to edit it all.

By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago
Here is where I stand currently. Need to fix up the cloth physics, and then create hair. Also need to look into setting up emission glow and SSS. I have tomorrow off, so expect several YouTube videos to be release on how I got to this point!
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part two, I created the base clothing meshes using Marvelous Designer's cloth simulation.
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part three, I model and sculpt the base design using 3Ds Max and then detailing it in zBrush.
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part four, we will be retopologizing in 3Ds Max and Unwrapping UV's.
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part five, we will be baking in marmoset tool bag, and texturing in substance
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part six, we will be creating and texturing the hair.
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part seven, we will be putting everything together in Character Creator 3!
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

In part eight, we will be implementing the character in UE4 using pre-made assets. Home stretch!
By bradyrigg - 5 Years Ago

It's finished!!!