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By KSTART - 5 Years Ago
Hello all
today I received vaucher Codes to claim the programs. ''Digital Human Contest 2020"
Is it one time use code? which I can only use for one computer?
I'm going to build a new pc.. can I install it in current hardware and then transfer installation files into the new.. I really want to start now but it does not meet minimum system requirements. I have only laptop and 10 years old PC I have installed Maya Blender and other softwares but its not good for rendering and I can't finish my works with it
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago

For the convenience of our users, we do allow for up to TWO simultaneous installs on separate computers as long as only one computer is in use at any one time. This means that you may install one copy of Reallusion programs and content on two separate computers without issue, but the EULA policy remains a “single-user license”, as in permanent use on more than one computer will require an additional license.

However you can always uninstall from one computer while connected to the internet and this will free up your license so you can install again on another computer.

I hope this helps explain the situation.
By KSTART - 5 Years Ago
Thank you for the clarification. I already installed CC 3 and iClone 7 and trying to understand how they work.