What's New in Iray Render Plug-in v1.41

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By Eric C (RL) - 5 Years Ago
Hi everyone,

Announcing the update for Iray v1.41:

Enhanced: Default projects now come with optimal Iray settings.
Fixed: Iray render issues with specific projects.
Fixed: Toolbar UI for Iray not showing up correctly. (#FT7068)
Fixed: Iray preview not showing substance material. (#FT7179)


Reallusion Team

By rosuckmedia - 5 Years Ago
@Eric C(RL)
Thank you:)
Best regards rosuckmedia
By 4u2ges - 5 Years Ago
Thanks! I see the changes in tonemapper and skin multipliers. Looks much, much better!
By MiddleEnd - 5 Years Ago
Indeed the digital human skin looks good in iRay after the update. Now the question is are you still planning on getting digital human hair transmission working automatically in iRay? Everything but the hair looks maybe 10% better in iRay than the realtime renderer, but the hair is a lot worse. And I'd still like to achieve best possible results for still shots.

I suppose one option is to use a custom MDL for that? Is there a specific BSDF that would fit the digital human hair? Like diffuse_transmission_bsdf?

MDL 1.6 also has a hair_bsdf shader, but I guess that won't work with hair cards? Here's what I'm talking about:
