Convert to non-standard character problem
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By Gabulous - 5 Years Ago

I am having trouble with converting this character to a non standard character.
I assigned all the bones correctly and adjusted the T-pose to be correct, but when i play the basic preview animations on it the legs and arms are not moving correctly.
Does anyone know what is going wrong?
If you need more information then please ask! you!

By Rampa - 5 Years Ago
Can you provide the model to check?
By Gabulous - 5 Years Ago
Here is the character's FBX file.
By Rampa - 5 Years Ago
So what happened is that your character was facing along the positive Y axis. So when you rigged it up, you accidentally got the left and right sides switched. If the character imports into 3DXchange facing away from you, it is going to do that, unless you rotate it around.

I rotated the model 180 so it was facing forward (-Y) in 3DXchange, reset the transform, and then proceeded as normal. here is the fixed version. 
By Gabulous - 5 Years Ago
Ow wauw yes i just did what you said and just turned it 180 degrees....
I feel really embarrassed right now how i did not figure this out myself haha
Thank you very much!