Motion Live 2D / 3D
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By e1_scheer - 4 Years Ago
Hi Reallusion,

I have a question that probably is on the minds of many other reallusion customers.
I've invested quite a bit of money in a 3D setup using character creator, iclone and the motion live 3D platform
including profiles for neuron mocap suit, leapmotion and faceware.  The motion live platform is the main reason
I went with Iclone software and it works pretty good once you have it set up.

I was happy to see that the same platform has now made it into the cartoon animator software and for an 
upcoming project I would like to use my mocap gear for a 2D project.  So has reallusion provided a way for 
3d motion live users to use their setup for CTA projects.  It looks like CTA users get the 3D profiles included for
free if they buy the full setup and I would like to know if the inverse crossover will also happen the other way 
round, where I can use my current profile licenses in the CTA software.

Any help or info would be welcome,

By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
Yes, if you put in a trouble ticket to support they will active the 2D version of any motion live plugins you have IF you have bought the 2D version of Motion Live (this is a separate plugin from its 3D brother).

CTA will do facial (through iPhone or webcame), hands (through Leap) and body (through various body mocap systems, including PN).
By e1_scheer - 4 Years Ago
Hi Kelleytoons,

Good to hear you can crossgrade only having to buy the motionlive 2D addon.
Is that what you did and how long did it take to get the extra licenses?

Thanks for the quick reply !
By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
It took over the weekend, but I'm guessing it might only be overnight during the work week.