By monkeyjediflame - 5 Years Ago
Before recording the video here with Motion Live 2D, I set up head rotation in three positions: looking straight ahead, 45 degrees looking to the right (viewer's left), and the in-between angle. I switched some sprites - like hair, moustache, beard, and nose - for the 45 degree angle to fit the perspective better. The elements of the head and face won't stay in one place on the face. The sprites don't switch properly either. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
By Sunglass - 5 Years Ago
Im not expert, but u need go to composer mode with your actor, and them push the 360 head creator on the left. There are 9 spots to make the changes, up, down, left, right and etc.
Them u need to use transform, deform and sprites to make the face more better than u can

By monkeyjediflame - 5 Years Ago
Hi. Are you saying that the problem is only that I haven't set it up yet on the remaining angles? I took care of 3 angles, so that would mean there are 12 left, or 7, depending on the tool. The changes, especially the sprite switches, seem pretty abrupt. Looks like there could be something else I overlooked, but I'm not sure. Maybe layer hierarchy or locking some layers together (or not) or something? Or maybe chopping some sprites into left and right halves would help?
By monkeyjediflame - 5 Years Ago
I'm starting over from scratch, and I'll do a report back. There might have been some issues with mixing up "Transform" and "Sprite." There are also some options for more precise sprite switching.