How To Create An Aura Around A Character?
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By jsinger - 4 Years Ago
I'd like to create a group of characters who emit a mystical or Christ-like aura or glow around their human clothed form.  I don't know of any plug-ins or techniques to perform this.  Even different colors would be kool.  How???
By toystorylab - 4 Years Ago
You can do this with Popcorn FX...

By jsinger - 4 Years Ago
It appears that we'd have to buy the full bundle just to get the aura effect.  The PopcornFX Library 40 is a separate $69 product ( PopcornFX Library 40 is a set of pre-made PopcornFX particle effects.   This implies that a user could create the aura effect without the premade library.  Is that true, if you know?

I'd be happier if I could just make my characters glow.  Is that possible?
By kungphu - 4 Years Ago
Depends on the exact effect and what you’re looking for. You could add a flow map for every body part and you’ll get a glowing sorta look for the character. May not be exactly what you envision but it’ll be a glow map. I made a character a ghost this way before.
By Kelleytoons - 4 Years Ago
The best way to do this is in post -- this is why you always render to frames and do your final edit in your video editor.

(Note that with iClone you can render two passes so you don't even have to spend any time with roto -- can do this in under a minute).
By thebiz.movies - 4 Years Ago
toystorylab (5/20/2020)
You can do this with Popcorn FX...

After staring at this screen for a minute and not recognizing this effect I came to realize that while I bought the whole popcorn package I never installed the Library 40, only installed the plugin and the examples.  So 2.5 years after the purchase I guess I have some new things to play with.  Thanks! 
By jsinger - 4 Years Ago
Yeah.  Your Karma has served you well.  Merry Christmas LOL.
By jsinger - 4 Years Ago
With 420 Frames the afternoon will be spent LOL.
By fritzhartman - 4 Years Ago
I believe that the individual fx can be purchased, and function without need to buy the actual plugin.

blue aura