No Curve Editor keyframes after mocap... ??
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By mrtobycook - 5 Years Ago
Hi all! :-)

I've recorded full body mocap (with rokoko studio) and I'm in iClone but can't see any keyframes at all in curve editor.

I've watched and rewatched all the Curve Editor youtube tutorials and read the manual but I can't figure this out. What am I missing?

I made a quick video showing the issue:

I really wish there was a "using iclone curve editor for mocap cleanup" youtube tutorial!!!! :-))


By toystorylab - 5 Years Ago
Before launching CE, "right click" on your motion, select "sample motion clip", select desired way out of 3 options...
By mrtobycook - 5 Years Ago
Thanks so much!

I've only used Curve Editor before on objects I animated in scenes (like the famous bouncing ball examples that are in the Curve Editor tutorials). I haven't ever used it with mocap as I just got a Rokoko suit. :-)

Thanks again!