Break a 3d motion and add keyframes
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By pmxinfo - 4 Years Ago
Hello, Sorry if this is a noob question.
I made a 3d motion clip and broked it thanks to ctrl+b key to create 2 motions clips.
The pb is that now I can't add keyframes between both clips (and even after the second one): when I ask for the 3d motion key editor and move parts, the actor doesn't move but is deformed, and the keyframe isn't added on the timeline.
How can we add custom motions between thoses 2 clips ? Thx for your help !
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago

If you are working between two motion clips, go to Edit > Motion Clip > Clip Auto Extend on the Menu Bar and uncheck it. This will allow you to place keyframes.
By pmxinfo - 4 Years Ago
Awesome !
Thanks a lot Peter !
Pb solved