My Christmas Animation 2019
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By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
Every year I try and do something for Christmas -- there are SO many great possibilities for the holidays and I have SO many wonderful ideas and I always run out of time.  As you get older there is about one day between Thanksgiving and Christmas with WAY too much to do.  Sigh. 

Given we are doing our big Christmas dinner on Tuesday (Christmas Eve) and that I will hopefully be out on the tennis court tomorrow, today was my one and only day to try and create something.  So here it is -- may you and yours have the best Christmas ever.

By jarretttowe - 6 Years Ago
Great atmosphere. It really gives a feeling of the season. Merry Christmas to all that participate!
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
Very beautiful and easy to watch.
Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas to you!  :)
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
Thanks for the kind words.  And the best of the holidays to you and yours.
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

Nice one Mike .... Hope your wife makes a full recovery - Don't go putting her into a 'T-Pose' too early !   :P
By tripfreak - 6 Years Ago
Wonderful and funny idea ! :cool:
Merry Christmas to you and your family !
By CtrlZ - 6 Years Ago
Nice work Mike!
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
sonic7 (12/23/2019)

Nice one Mike .... Hope your wife makes a full recovery - Don't go putting her into a 'T-Pose' too early !   :P

LOL -- funny you should say that.  One of my Christmas ideas involved her and I playing Mr. and Mrs. Santa... but she couldn't *quite* get the poses necessary.  So... next year.

(She's about two weeks away from being able to do *most* things, although lifting anything over around 5 pounds with that arm will take another few months.  She's been a trooper, though, and she is my entire world).
By rdegoede333 - 6 Years Ago
Dear mr. Kelley, i love your contribution to this community ! Thank you a lot and beyond ! Peacefully christmas, Ronald/Joell
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

" ..... She's been a trooper, though, and she is my entire world ..... "
Aww - that's so sweet Mike - Lovely to hear .....  
By charly Rama - 6 Years Ago
Nice Mike, merry Christmas to you and yours :)
By Grumpsalot - 6 Years Ago
Merry Xmas Mike :)
By rosuckmedia - 6 Years Ago
Hello, kelleytoons,
Nice clip:):)
Merry Christmas to you too.
Greeting rosuckmedia
By Walt_R - 6 Years Ago
Enjoyed it. :D Merry Christmas to you and have a wonderful 2020.
By theschemer - 6 Years Ago
  Merry Christmas and thanks for all the help to me and everybody on this forum. I appreciate it. :)
By toystorylab - 6 Years Ago
Did you set the "flicker" manually or is this made with a python script?
And merry christmas!
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
I wrote a Python script that would allow me to activate each of the tree lights (there are four groups on each tree) with one button press.  Theoretically I could have programmed something that would activate to the sound but it could not have been as dynamic as this was (would have been rather boring, I think).

Even so, it took a LONG time to do (several hours) -- in retrospect I think I would have programmed an additional script for the "twinkle" (for which I had to set each group of lights in sequence while I turned on and off the others).  Part of it is I didn't want to spend all my time programming and not animating -- I've fallen into this trap before, where I end up with a great program and little to show for it.  As I'm not sure I'll ever use this script again, I didn't want to waste too much time on it (but I did learn at least three things from it).
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

Mike - yes, I'd *wondered* too whether you might have employed Python. - Most effective!

And while I'm here - I'd just like to express my *appreciation* to you Mike, for all the effort you've put forth during 2019 - with your *many* tutorials... I for one have downloaded most of them as they contribute in a massive way to my understanding of all iClone related topics. They will serve me well for many years to come, and I can't thank you enough for such valuable input Mike ....

By Jfrog - 6 Years Ago
Great Video Mike!
 Thank you and Merry Christmas
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
sonic7 (12/25/2019)

Mike - yes, I'd *wondered* too whether you might have employed Python. - Most effective!

And while I'm here - I'd just like to express my *appreciation* to you Mike, for all the effort you've put forth during 2019 - with your *many* tutorials... I for one have downloaded most of them as they contribute in a massive way to my understanding of all iClone related topics. They will serve me well for many years to come, and I can't thank you enough for such valuable input Mike ....

Thank you for the kind words -- that feedback is what keeps me doing it.  Have a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

By toystorylab - 6 Years Ago
Thanx for clearing...
It really fits well with the sound, so i thought it might have been "coupled" with the sound via Python.
So, you did a good job ;)
And yeah, though I'm still not at all familiar with the whole Python-stuff, i can imagine that
"I didn't want to spend all my time programming and not animating" can be the downside of Python.
And as Sonic7 said, thanx for your help all over the time, reliable and fast, much appreciated...