By lvanvalk - 6 Years Ago
Is there a way to insert a 2nd "sound" line in the timeline for background music and fx? In the past I attached a 2nd sound to a tree or generic item but if I want to go back to delete or change the sound I don't always remember which item I attached it to and get very frustrated. Should I just wait and add the 2nd background sound when I import it to my video program? Thank you.
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
When I want multiple audio files in a project, I add a simple cube and make it a DUMMY prop. As many as needed. Then I can name it so I know which is which, such as "Audio - Gunshots" or "Audio - Door squeak."
Eventually, it is best to do your final audio work in a video editor where you have much more control over volume levels, etc. But I do like to add some audio bits in iClone sometimes. They can help me with timing and the creative animation process.
By lvanvalk - 6 Years Ago
Great idea, thank you.