Cc3 creature workflow
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By Sql4088 - 6 Years Ago
Edit: This post's intention is to see how others create creature's for CC.

I am researching ways to quickly make creatures in CC3.

I'd like to use the CC3 base mesh and sculpt detail from NON CC meshes from previous projects into the CC mesh.   

Obviously this is challenging considering you cannot remove/add geometry.

So far, while moving vertices while attempting to arrange the detail on the face, I have had issues with lack of polygons available on CC3 characters face, back of the head and shoulders which may be okay but not ideal.

I am making a Boar-Like humanoid creature.  I spent a few hours moving geometry on the head with the move brush (Zbrush) and it works pretty well.

I was thinking about using either ZBrushe;s match maker or 3DS Max's conform for a quicker way to use an existing body part mesh (i.e. a head of an elk) to conform a cc3 mesh.

Edit:  I'll attempt to use Blender's new Sculpting brushes to move the topology easier.

Have a great one
By Zcotty - 5 Years Ago
It would be nice to see some screenshots. I'm in the process of making aliens with a CC-Zbrush pipeline and you can really push the mesh pretty far. Also moving the bones around on re-import doesn't easily break it.