By Dragonskunk - 6 Years Ago
I'm searching for a new MOBO, and there some great deals if I go with AMD. When I search this topic I get mixed results from no issues to compatibility slow downs.
Considering that system requirements only have Intel minimum requirements it does give concerns. Does someone here have this combo or have some insight on the topic?
By Alolu - 6 Years Ago
I have an older PC (about 5 years) with AMD FX 9370 4.40gh and a GTX 1070. Never had any issues running Reallusion products (iclone 7 and cc3). You may get a better insight on the subject by the experts but just to give you an idea. :)
By Auroratrek - 6 Years Ago
I'm new to iClone, but I just built a PC with an AMD 2950x and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 and it iClone seems to be working well in it.
By Dragonskunk - 6 Years Ago
Seems not to be such a big deal after all, unless Peter chimes in and goes NOOOOOOOO! Like he's trying to keep me from triggering a bomb. :P
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
iClone is "CPU agnostic" to the best of my knowledge, but it does definitely benefit from Nvidia GPUs. So an AMD CPU + Nvidia GPU system should be fine.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
If you want to get the absolute best out of iClone and CC I would recommend going with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU (even with the current driver problems).
By Dragonskunk - 6 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (10/7/2019) If you want to get the absolute best out of iClone and CC I would recommend going with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU (even with the current driver problems). What happens when you use AMD? Does only one arm move? All the plants only grow upside down? Everything that comes out of CC3 looks like monsters?
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
Dragonskunk (10/7/2019)
Peter (RL) (10/7/2019) If you want to get the absolute best out of iClone and CC I would recommend going with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU (even with the current driver problems). What happens when you use AMD? Does only one arm move? All the plants only grow upside down? Everything that comes out of CC3 looks like monsters?
We know there are Nvidia-specific features, such a the Global Illumination, and Iray only runs on Nvidia GPUs (or on your CPU, but much more slowly).
What changes between Intel and AMD CPUs? Please provide an example so we can make a informed purchase decisions.
By ultimativity - 6 Years Ago
Over in the Daz Studio forums (which was where I was back in 2017) AMD was recommended as working very well with Nvidia GPUs and as outstanding with IRay. I built a AMD Ryzen 7 1700 and a GeForce 1800. The MoBo depends on the processor you select. A certain chipset works well with my processor.
By rgreenidge - 6 Years Ago
Look I've been using computers before Peter who never wants to give you a direct answer of why. He never shows what he compared what with what. If you read my posts on here, I tell people what I used, comparisons to the old, I upgraded my computers sometimes twice in a year, and what I've gotten with what before and after. I am not a AMD or a Intel guy, I try to see what gives me the best bang for my buck. I go back to when 3 CPU companies were battling over superiority, add Cyrix. Right now unless you have a Server CPU, AMD has the fastest CPU (Ryzen 9- 3900X). I came from i7-6800K CPU with 128GB of RAM. There is more things I can do now and add to my scenes with my 3900X than with any video card. I have a 1080 Ti, with the 3900X, the AMD cards are not as powerful even with the new PCI 4.0 and I never had mixing and matching problems ever. If there is a feature using Nvdia cards with iClone, that didn't work with my AMD cards, I didn't use or need it. I was lucky when the 3900X came out, I got it for $499, now they want $800. It takes 4 months to make one CPU, something I didn't know. I been working on electronic stuff since I was 8, and will be 70 next August. I hate it when people tell you to buy something overpriced and don't show any proof. I do music too, and people will say, I only buy Macs. Can you listen to a song and tell it used a MAC or a PC? No you can't, so cut the bull crap. I will pay the money, if it is really worth it. At one time I could only get so many avatars in my scene, so I asked Peter, what type of computers they are using, he would not answer me. I worked as a electronic engineer, and if a customer asked what test equipment we used, we told them. Sad to say Peter won't answer my questions, so I don't even bother to ask him anymore. The vids you see on YouTube of mine under rioleo8, were all completed with the intel 6800K, I started using iClone 3 with a AMD 6300, then a 8350 CPU? Those video you see on the beach scene, have some what I call Popeye Avatars, all they do is stand still in the back, and their eyes may blink, because I couldn't add anything else to the timeline without it jumping or almost freezing during playback. With the AMD 3900X, I was able to add movement to all of them and triple the amount of people in my disco scenes. What I would recommend? A 3900X AMD CPU, at the cheapest price, and the best Nvdia GPU card. I did have a problem because the Motherboards for the Ryzens, only had 4 memory slots, unlike the 8, I was using for the Intel 6800K, so I could only have 64GB of RAM. In the last months I was able to find 32GB of RAM sticks and go back to 128GB of RAM. I have re-did many of my scenes since then, and replaced them on my timeline on my final video. The Ryzen 9-3950X is suppose to come out soon. I'm waiting to see if Reallusion is going to keep up their word that this quarter they will come up with a new way of self making faces. I've been going back to iClone 5 to make most of my faces, because face puppet didn't live up to my expectations. I would like to be wrong, but I'll be surprised if this happens before February. Don't take my word, but I bet in the middle of November, I can see a announcement that iClone 8 is coming in January, with the ability to make great faces. If I'm wrong I'll buy $100-$200 of stuff from the iClone store and show everyone the receipt Even though I'm finished with my project, I'll still buy iClone 8 when it comes out. I'll make it more clearer. I must have built over 100 computers for friends and family for years, and never had a problem mixing and matching motherboards and graphic cards. The same video slots go on either board. There are no video drivers, specific for AMD or Intel main boards. One driver works for the same in each Windows version, and we do use Windows with iClone. They ask, what version of Windows you use, not what type of motherboard you have, think about that? Good luck with your new setup.
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
rgreenidge (10/10/2019) What I would recommend? A 3900X AMD CPU, at the cheapest price, and the best Nvdia GPU card.
I found the hidden answer. Do I win a prize?
By ultimativity - 6 Years Ago
@rgreenidge, thanks for your post. I found it very helpful, as I am working on a film with lots of characters.
I have a GTX 1080, which 8 G of memory. But I need to be able to run my animations with party and nightclub scenes. It sounds like your 3900x enables you to do so. I was thinking of waiting until end of year, then getting the processor, MOBO, and 4x32G memory. I'll wait until next year to see whether I upgrade my video card.
By Dragonskunk - 6 Years Ago
This thread for me is moot now but other could use it. Intel is having a slashed prices as a competition beater so I got my new mobo with a i7-8700k I'm using it now.
The following is an unrelated rant: Wow! Installing Windows today is really annoying, with the "to setup your machine enter your Microsoft email" NO! No way to skip so I held the power button and it turned off and then it skipped that screen. For me giving my Windows machine a Microsoft email is the worst because I enjoy pressing the power button and seeing my desktop seconds after with zero else to do instead of entering emails and pin numbers.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
rgreenidge (10/10/2019) Look I've been using computers before Peter who never wants to give you a direct answer of why.
How do you know you have been using computers before me? Are you a psychic as well as a computer expert?
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
justaviking (10/7/2019)
Dragonskunk (10/7/2019)
Peter (RL) (10/7/2019) If you want to get the absolute best out of iClone and CC I would recommend going with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU (even with the current driver problems). What happens when you use AMD? Does only one arm move? All the plants only grow upside down? Everything that comes out of CC3 looks like monsters? We know there are Nvidia-specific features, such a the Global Illumination, and Iray only runs on Nvidia GPUs (or on your CPU, but much more slowly).
What changes between Intel and AMD CPUs? Please provide an example so we can make a informed purchase decisions.
My answer was based primarily on three things.
1. Software that is developed on particular hardware will generally run more stable and with less issues than hardware not used during development.
2. From my experience in Support there were more hardware related issues reported with AMD based systems than Intel based systems.
3. The third is from personal experience. Over the years I have used both AMD CPU/GPU systems and Intel CPU/Nvidia GPU systems and without a doubt I have experienced less issues and better performance with Intel/Nvidia systems. And I'm not talking about just Reallusion software but software/games in general.
But let me be clear. I'm not saying you shouldn't use an AMD system or that you will have problems if you do (you probably won't if it meets the required specs). I'm just sharing my recommendation based on some experience (but not as much as rgreenidge apparently). :P
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
Fair enough, Peter(RL). Thanks for the reply.
By rgreenidge - 6 Years Ago
Peter I would doubt that that you are 69 years old. I worked for Cummins Engine company in 1973, when there wasn't any home computers, I probably made the first laptop using LED segments as a display. In 1974 with GE, I worked on Fiber optics communications, and since there were no fiber optic cables, we had to go into a radio shack and use toy Christmas trees, to make our cables and test, polishing and shining the ends making our own lens. In 1966 I was converting people's black and white TV's to color, for $80, even though we only had one TV station that broadcast color, maybe two shows in color a day. This was with vacuum tubes and so did some of the first computers I worked with. And what is your experience, and or age? I'm not jumping on you, but I never met any other engineers that have more experience than I. When I wasn't in the streets as a kid, I was working on electronic & photography stuff, and was making color prints at 14 (1964). And while working as a electronic engineer, I did my own thing experimenting at home, which helped me on the job and off. Before I retired, I came up with the circuit and idea the put LED's inside the glass, so people on the #7 line can tell if the train is coming is local and express. There were no more train line wires, and if you know anything about magnetism, the train is a moving antenna and it's wires picks up everything. I won the top prize in the MTANY that year and all the bosses wished they could have paid me more, but the state has a limit on bonuses. I'm not your regular run of the meal person. I never paid for college, because every college wanted to say I went there, It was them who taught me. No I'm self taught and always curious of how things works. In the mid 70's. I designed Cat scanning equipment. Guess what runs the equipment? I wish I had the computer power than as now. I had to do a lot of flying because guys couldn't fix it, even with me talking over the phone. I not singling you out, just general knowledge that there isn't any other kids I met at 8 years old into electronics in 1958, or I met later in life. Before the 1980's, there were very few interested in computers or needed them and in the 1970's how many? Were you even born? That's what I base my opinion on, my age and experience. Again, years ago I asked you personally what computers do you guys run and test iClone on, and I couldn't get a answer, and why? I had to tell what loads or rigs we used, what temperatures we tested at, how long we ran or cycled or units to all my customers, and if you wanted the same results as we were getting you had a idea of what you needed. I've have gotten lots of help with guys on this forum, but with you I asked technical questions, and never get a answer or a you beat around the bush when I asked has the mp4 encoder changed. You told guys on here get a intel CPU and NVidia, but have you ever used a AMD CPU, mixed with other cards, you never say. I've used them all. I will tell them to buy the fastest, they can afford period. It's like some dummy on the job told everyone, his amp has gold transistors, the gold on the transistors won't make it sound better, and gold is crap conductor. Why tell a person to buy a Intel CPU, when he can buy a AMD that's faster and $500 less. Most people have budgets, and if the AMD CPU is cheaper at the same speed, he can get a better video card. Stop being a fan boy, you say you know a lot about computers, and if you really are, you should know better than to be biased to one company, and everyday with computers and electronics nothing stays the same. Everyone is trying to be top dog and right now Intel is on the chase, which is good for us consumers who want more bang for their buck. There's other things to spend money on and a computer may not be their priority. I have 4 desktop computers running in here now. Video cards, both. CPU's, 3-AMD, 1-Intel. They all do the same thing, they work, which is the fastest, the AMD 3900X which is available again and now back to $499. Thanks for sharing you thoughts, and will I get back your experience and age group at least? Rich Greenidge.
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
All we can provide is our experience, and we should respect that. Peter's last post was concise and to the point.
There's no need in browbeating Peter, who has been very helpful over the years even though we don't always agree with him...:unsure:
I've disassembled and assembled tube radios and amplifiers in the sixties, designed and built synthesizers and other musical equipment in the seventies in the Netherlands ( and have extensive experience in IT research, but I wouldn't expect my opinion to be more valuable for that reason.