Competition - Showcase your Armor Knight (Now till Oct 31st 2019)
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By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago


You have full freedom to set up your own medieval warriors. Just be creative and inspire others with your unique work!

How to join

1. Dream up your idea
You can freely design helms, masks, plackarts and anything related to armor.

2. Get content to create your idea
Once you've decided on your idea, you can use your own content or use pre-made content packs to speed up production.

3. Post your submission
✦ Must: add a topic and upload your picture under this forum.
✦ Preferred: upload pictures to any social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and then copy your social media post link here , and add a topic under this forum.


Period: Now to 10/31/2019
Submission Deadline: 10/31/2019 (11:59 p.m. EST)
Qualification: Users need to use Character Creator or Cartoon Animator 4. You can use the full version or the trial version. 
Format: jpg/png


Style: 40%
(Armor assembly, equipped accessories, etc.)
Visual Display: 40%
(Layout, lighting, posture, expression, background, etc.)
Texture Design: 20%
(Character’s skin, makeup, armor texture design, etc.)


No copyright infringement:
Entrants may submit up to three(3)  pictures for award consideration.
The armor assembly system is compatible between Paladin & Darksider packs.
Emphasizing features such as helmets and dynamic textures is a plus.
Using third party content from Sketchfab to combine with Reallusion content is welcomed.
The following are the awards for this contest. Win DA points up to 5,000

✦The Best Helmet Armor Assembly: 3,000 DA Points
✦The Best Holy Armor Assembly: 3,000 DA Points
✦The Best Dark Armor Assembly: 3,000 DA Points
✦The Half-Blood Knight (Show both justice & evil side): 5,000 DA Points

Winners will have the chance to be selected, and directly contacted by Reallusion for further activities.

Good luck to you all!
By ToKoMotion - 6 Years Ago
OK, let's start off this nice little competition with CC3 Rupert as a bright knight using Fantasy Playset - Paladin.

You can also check him out in 3D on Sketchfab now:

Can't wait to see all your creations - let's get creative! :)
By 3DPiXL - 6 Years Ago
By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
need only to use ready content? i have a armor pack i already created but , not create my own store on reallusion yet. can i participate with my armor pack for cc3 ??? what is the prize ? :) 
By Am7add9 - 6 Years Ago
wildstar (10/2/2019)
need only to use ready content? i have a armor pack i already created but , not create my own store on reallusion yet. can i participate with my armor pack for cc3 ??? what is the prize ? :) 

no offense, but you probably could read the first post and get all your answers

By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
aeolian (10/2/2019)
wildstar (10/2/2019)
need only to use ready content? i have a armor pack i already created but , not create my own store on reallusion yet. can i participate with my armor pack for cc3 ??? what is the prize ? :) 

no offense, but you probably could read the first post and get all your answers

its ok no offense but english as you can see is not my main language so, maybe i dont undestand some point  :) 
By rewinged28 - 6 Years Ago
To be honest I'm a little confused about the use of custom content too. There's nothing that specifically says you can't use custom content, just stuff saying you can use sketchfab models. The scoring suggests that it IS just based on the use of the official RL packages though so it's kinda confusing. Would I be elgible to enter if I make my own armour/helmet?
By rewinged28 - 6 Years Ago
Sorry for the double post but I'd really like to know the answer to this so I know if I should bother starting work on an outfit or not.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Thank you for the feedback. Regarding using your own content, this is allowed. You are not restricted to only use Reallusion content.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Reminder: There is not much time left to enter. Please do make sure your entry is submitted by the 31st October 2019 for a chance to win. :)
By PlayWell - 6 Years Ago
I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm saving up money to get the full pipeline version soon, so please ignore the watermark!
By tripfreak - 6 Years Ago
Just in order to enable some competition:
             Joan of Arc
...before and during the battle...

By Zarkam - 6 Years Ago
More armor than usual.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Winner Announcement

Judging Criteria:
Style: 40%
(Armor assembly, equipped accessories, etc.)
Visual Display: 40%
(Layout, lighting, posture, expression, background, etc.)
Texture Design: 20%
(Character’s skin, makeup, armor texture design, etc.)


Thank you for all of your great showcases made with Character Creator. It's really great to see these creative submissions!  According to the above criteria, and after long discussion, 2 users are winners. We’ll send a notice email with DA voucher code by Nov. 30th.

Prize: The Best Dark Armor Assembly - 3,000 DA Points
Judge’s comment: Detailed Armor Set with stylized characters in evil spirit. Good texture design.

Prize: The Best Helmet Armor Assembly - 3,000 DA Points
Judge’s comment: Stylized helmets. Sophisticated Armor Assembly. Amazing lighting to bring out the character.
By PlayWell - 6 Years Ago
Congratulations to those winners!
I hope we see more competitions in the future, it was really fun to see what I could make with the trial version.
By tripfreak - 6 Years Ago
Congrats to the winners !
By rosuckmedia - 6 Years Ago
Congratulations to the winners, too.
Greeting rosuckmedia:)
By 3DPiXL - 6 Years Ago
Hey found this post. Awesome.