New Talking Head Template folders like CenterLeft and CenterRight
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By thomasway - 5 Years Ago
In the new 01_360_Human template...
Under Face_Component_Structure...
In the file Philipp_S2.psd, under the RL_TalkingHead folder, are folders like CenterLeft and CenterRight (etc.) which are empty.
The accompanying MUST_READ_How_to_use_CTA_G3_360_PSD_template.pdf doesn't explain how to use those folders or why they are there.
When I export the same Philipp actor for CA4 (or other 360 actors like SOCIAL BUDDIES) those folders don't show up in the PSD file at all.

They appear to be specific to 360 heads - can you pre-set up 360 heads using those folders? If yes, how?
By vidi - 5 Years Ago
The easy Way ist only use Center  and fitting the other sides in Head Creator . Use the discard 360 setting button to get a good starting point.
The additional folders are created if you use Lunch PSD Button and select update Multiangle. That is only neede if you want make changes in your Grafikaplication. Otherwise if this is not selectet you get only the center folder .