CC3 Essential Learning Resource
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By miriamsanderson - 6 Years Ago
Please bare with me as I am a newbie. I have downloaded the above package along with CC3. However whenever I try and follow a tutorial and it tells me to locate the mask in the Essential Learning Resource there is nothing there.

Is this because the ELR pack isn't compatible with CC3 or, which is more likely, I have done something really stupid.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Hi... Did you purchase the CC Essentials Complete Bundle?

If so then the CC Essentials Resouce is a bonus that comes with the complete bundle. It is made up of two parts. The first part (Install.RLD) installs into Character Creator and gives you a number of sample characters found under Project > Clothed. The second part is a zip file. This just needs to be unzipped and doesn't need to be installed. It contains all the resources such as decals, scars, masks etc.

Note: Both parts of the CC Essentials Learning Resource can be downloaded from your Member Account  > Order History.
By miriamsanderson - 6 Years Ago

Thanks for your reply. I have downloaded the zip file and everything (fingers crossed) appears to be ok.

Thankyou for your help

By SamPiez - 6 Years Ago
Had the same problem. It would help if there was a short video explaining this. I had to contact support about this but no one has gotten back to me yet. Will download the zip file. Hopefully it will work.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
smeaton.phinehas (5/4/2019)
Had the same problem. It would help if there was a short video explaining this. I had to contact support about this but no one has gotten back to me yet. Will download the zip file. Hopefully it will work.

If you follow my instructions to the previous poster you should have no problems.