POPCORNFX 2.0 released

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By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
Can you belive that ?:w00t:

"Simply create stunning particle effects without any scripting knowledge required.
PopcornFX interface is really easy to use: connect nodes, adjust, preview, tweak, save, and ship!
PopcornFX v2 is loaded with premade templates and samples. Grab one, tweak it and you’re done."

If its true and If Iclone update the plugin , I can assure you that Iclone will be THE game changer in the 
realtime animation .

By Warped Reality VFX - 6 Years Ago
Thanks for posting this, I'm not a fan of nodes but I can't wait to try this.
By eternityblue - 6 Years Ago
I do believe iClone needs to get an update before we can use PopcornFX 2.0 files.
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
Nop. I get an answer from the support that there will be no update for the Iclone popcornfx in 2019.

By animagic - 6 Years Ago
mtakerkart (2/1/2019)
Nop. I get an answer from the support that there will be no update for the Iclone popcornfx in 2019.

In other words, this is another abandoned addition? :crazy:
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
I don't think it's an abandoned addition. Popcorn exist and it will works in Iclone 7.
It is an outstanding visual effect but completely useless for an Icloner because there's no
tutorial for the editor and today the version 2.0 of the editor doesn't work in Iclone.
The paradoxe of this is that support said that particles won't be touch but in the 2019 roadmap 
there's something with the particles.... 
It looks like that Corean headquarter have different plan than the US office. Very strange....

By Rampa - 6 Years Ago
That chart is showing when the different Python API's are expected to be available. Python access to particles is one of them. :)

Here is a couple playlists of PopcornFX tutorials.
By RobertoColombo - 6 Years Ago
Hi Rampa,

I am not sure whether the Python API for particle are intended for PopCornFX or legacy particles.
I hope both... let's see...


By planetstardragon - 6 Years Ago
any word on this ?   I was just on the V1 editor and most of the particles don't work,  I think all the base particles were updated and now incompatible with iclone and the few that do come in mostly crash iclone - are we just limited to the presets in iclone now ?
. https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/7a267d0f-f2e7-4501-b198-8585.jpg
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
planetstardragon (2/17/2019)
any word on this ?   I was just on the V1 editor and most of the particles don't work,  I think all the base particles were updated and now incompatible with iclone and the few that do come in mostly crash iclone - are we just limited to the presets in iclone now ?
. https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/7a267d0f-f2e7-4501-b198-8585.jpg

Hi planet, I think this warrants an entry in the Feedback Tracker if there isn't one already.

I had a concern that PopcornFx would be abandoned and be lingering in a previous version and even that apparently also gives problems.

In general, RL should seriously consider to keep all external plugins up-to-date (somebody remember Indigo?) as we have paid good money for it.
By planetstardragon - 6 Years Ago
Hi Animagic, 

Nice to see you :)  -  I did a little more experimenting,  I did notice that in the popcorn editor  1.2 and 1.3 -  there is an option to start a new iclone specific project -  so apparently the editor is still valid ( haven't tested it in 2 )  and there are settings in it to accommodate Iclone,  but all the new updated particles dated 2019 are incompatible,  further all the updated particles are incompatible with previous editor versions ......I did manage to catch one error when I was trying to downgrade a newer particle effect to the iclone parameters project ..it mentioned something about some "coordinates system" not matching

what exactly does that mean ?  I can only guess,  but it does seem to be a clue as to what needs to be modified should I decide to dig deeper...some of the newer effects are pretty solid,  specifically the newer music ones!

By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

So what are we saying - The latest useable "version" of Popcorn Effects for iClone 7.4 is *PopcornFX version 1.01* ?
Is that right? .... thnx.
By planetstardragon - 6 Years Ago
yes,  apparently that's what it looks like ....

if you open the editor,  there's the default set of particle effects ....the ones that have been updated to 2019 in that set are now incompatible with iclone.

if you tell the editor to start a new project, it will allow you to start an iclone compatible project,  it will set up a new project with apparently older parameters that are compatible with iclone.

what I tried to do was open one of the newer effects,  and save it to the new iclone project folder to see if it would adjust the values to be compatible ....and that's when I got the coordinates incompatibility error .....so apparently yes,  we are stuck at v1 -  because v2 effects can't be saved to v1 parameters.    For a moment I thought the entire editor was incompatible...so it could have been worse.
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

Thanks Planet very much for the clarification! ... :)
By rogyru - 6 Years Ago
Would be nice to know if RL is going to update the plugin. Had it less than a year and its no longer combatable with PopcornFX latest updates.
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
I don't have good news for PopCornfx. First The Reallusion market sales and the support answered me that there will not be any update until next year.
Second , I saw this answer from the Persistant studio Forum :
"PopcornFX v1 is not in full development anymore, the latest stable version being v1.13.4, and last supported UE4 version 4.21
It's unlikely that we release new PopcornFX versions, and you can expect the plugin support to stop - we'll stop upgrading to latest UE4 versions basically.
However, if you are in a special situation where you really need a v1 plugin upgrade, please reach out to support.
We intend to provide a PopcornFX v1 -> v2 effects upgrader, but that's still in the works
Hope this helps"

I understand that Reallusion have no choice to upgrade for the V2 . For my case at this time I need a particle emitter with a vectorfield
and a Damping velocity feature. I'm waiting for a quote from Persistant Studio to create a V1.12 template for me. 
I'm affraid that all ressources of the Reallusion developpers are used for the game engine process with character creator and the upcomming 
bridge for the mocap system from Iclone to UDK. However Epic game  do updates every month wich implies from Reallusion to be on the page too....
I hope it will not be too bad for us.

On an another topic ,Today I had a very good feedback from my producer of a pilote I made . We cross fingers for our project to succeed :)
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
I get the impression also that development now seems to focus on game developers (constant updates for exports to Unity and Unreal) and that filmmakers (the original core business) are left in the cold (no upgrade of 3DXchange for example). 

PopcornFX was announced as the great new particle system, but now seems to be left to linger...:crying:
By rogyru - 6 Years Ago
mtakerkart (6/8/2019)
I don't have good news for PopCornfx. First The Reallusion market sales and the support answered me that there will not be any update until next year.
Second , I saw this answer from the Persistant studio Forum :
"PopcornFX v1 is not in full development anymore, the latest stable version being v1.13.4, and last supported UE4 version 4.21
It's unlikely that we release new PopcornFX versions, and you can expect the plugin support to stop - we'll stop upgrading to latest UE4 versions basically.
However, if you are in a special situation where you really need a v1 plugin upgrade, please reach out to support.
We intend to provide a PopcornFX v1 -> v2 effects upgrader, but that's still in the works
Hope this helps"

I understand that Reallusion have no choice to upgrade for the V2 . For my case at this time I need a particle emitter with a vectorfield
and a Damping velocity feature. I'm waiting for a quote from Persistant Studio to create a V1.12 template for me. 
I'm affraid that all ressources of the Reallusion developpers are used for the game engine process with character creator and the upcomming 
bridge for the mocap system from Iclone to UDK. However Epic game  do updates every month wich implies from Reallusion to be on the page too....
I hope it will not be too bad for us.

On an another topic ,Today I had a very good feedback from my producer of a pilote I made . We cross fingers for our project to succeed :)

Thanks for the update , i wont be getting anymore RL plugins if they wont to support them as they showed with Popcorm FX they told us it would get updates but we got none.
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
PopcornFX was announced as the great new particle system

It really is.... but for persons knowing coding with a Persistant Studio trainning. If the Reallusion superTools pack could integrate Vectorfield and 
variable Velocity thrue life , we could create stunning effect with AAA quality. 

development now seems to focus on game developers

Yes assuredly !  The character creator with the facial mocap should be a must-have tool for indie developpers at a reasonable price.
Not sure with the body mocap because Game industry uses loopable moves instead of acting and the body mocap package is not cheap.

they told us it would get updates but we got none

Let's not lose hop , This month should be the release of the Python API for particles refering to the roadmap.

The real problem I think is the prohibition of selling particles in the store. 
Jeff Little has helped me a lot to transform templates, he has a very good knowledge of the editor. I'm sure that there some users here
who could build particles with features that the Supertool pack doesn't have.
Here is some particles of the editor and some with the superTools pack I made :

Persistant Studio charge me 2800$ for this 4 templates:

It's the price for the industry because they have to create from scratch but really not for hobbying tasks . If I could sell particles I would have invested.
So I asked for a quote to convert a template from V1.13 to V1.12... It is the budget that I am ready to put in these conditions.

To finish, I have not seen any satisfactory demo of a movie, short film, serie, etc... realized with UDK or Unity despite all the fuss they can do with their marketing. They are still in the prototype....
By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
Honestly, as much as I LOVE the idea behind Reallusion products (e.g., the emphasis on simplicity and efficiency), I wish I had known about their tendency to stop supporting their software / plugins before buying into their ecosystem. iClone 7, for example, still has so many bugs lingering on the Feedback Tracker, yet they're already talking about shifting their focus to iClone 8.
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
they're already talking about shifting their focus to iClone 8

Where did you see that?? I never saw from RL a hint for an Iclone 8 release....:unsure:
By Hookflash - 6 Years Ago
mtakerkart (6/9/2019)
they're already talking about shifting their focus to iClone 8

Where did you see that?? I never saw from RL a hint for an Iclone 8 release....:unsure:

They mention it in the iClone 2019 roadmap: https://forum.reallusion.com/403268/iClone-7-2019-Roadmap

"For 2019, Reallusion will refocus more iClone team members toward the development of iClone 8."

By Jfrog - 6 Years Ago
I think popcorn was a great add to Iclone and it is a little sad that Reallusion stops supporting it.  I bought loads of great  VFX in the Unity asset store for peanuts.  I like Iclone very much but I do need VFX to work in my project. 
By illusionLAB - 6 Years Ago
buying into their ecosystem

iClone has developed much further and faster than I imagine Reallusion ever imagined, mostly trying to "catch up".  I've been around long enough to still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Indigo renderer - which, to be clear, has nothing to do with Indigo... but rather iClone's implementation.  I've also got a Kinect for "mocap" and a few other now "worthless" add ons.  Bottom line, the "innovation" that was iClone soon became "limitation" and they've duct taped a bunch of makeshift solutions onto their closed system which seems to only make the "real time" less and less "real time", and more and more "hardware hungry".  Like most, I was excited by the initial rush of real time character animation with sets, cameras and lights etc., but within a couple of weeks I was hitting so many brick walls with limitations that it became, for me, more of a toy than a tool.  I've said it many times, but I think Reallusion needs to focus on something they are currently doing better than the competition... character creation and character animation.  Everything else, is gravy... and should only be enhanced when their "focus" is outperforming the competition - otherwise, they are on the Betamax path.  Adobe has been acquiring companies for years, and with the most recent being Algorithmic it looks as if they're getting serious about the "gaming world"... and let's face it... if they decided to release an iClone style system it would be built on a far more "open" and "future proof" engine.  So, we shouldn't be surprised when PopCorn FX was a result of users demanding a better particle solution... unfortunately, like Indigo (and probably Iray) the short term solution also has a short term life.  The trouble with relying on custom versions of "3rd party" solutions is that the 3rd party developers are also evolving and they can't be saddled with iClone's limitations.  But wait... iClone has Python now!  Really..? hadn't noticed.
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
I don't disagree with what you've said, and indeed the entire reason I got involved in iClone was due to character animation.  But I'm curious as to what you'd like to see them add to what they can already do?

I have some wishes along this line -- they could emulate Anima (or at the very least implement SOME sort of crowd system).  They could add head creation (I think this is coming).  They might add hair/fur creation.  But then what?

I think some of all of those things would be big sellers (Anima is really only a crowd system for architects and not animators -- it can be USED that way, but it's pretty poor overall for that.  I think 3DMax has some sort of crowd package, but aside from those two RL could make a huge impact by adding something like that) but that's what they are looking for, a new market.  They thought it would be gamers and my own gut tells me they are wasting their time -- either game makers already have a workflow they like, or those that could incorporate iClone could do so without such things as a "real time" workflow process.  So what will happen is they will generate a few dozen new sales but nothing to justify the dev revenue they are spending.

I also think that NOTHING we, the existing users, can say or do will help in this regard.  Sales has their own driving force, and they are single-mindedly focused in a way I think will spell trouble for RL down the road.  The good news is the product as it stands now at least works for me (I hope others can get there).
By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
Are you following what's going on right now at E3? The death of the video game console with the announcement of Google and ubisoft
to make games playable in streaming that will not depend on any platform. As a result, the game market will explode.
 Netflix has announced that it will develop interactive films such as the black mirror episode or minecraft in story mode.
Real time will be unavoidabble for smaller production.
Also, do not understand that the hardware may not evolve with more and bigger picture format (4K today)
and real time render rather than traditional raytraycing for Iclone, means that Iclone is considered as a toy and not a likely professional tool.
I have AGeforce GTX1070 with 8G of ram  and Substance Painter warn at lauching that it's not enough to run smoothly....
Today Iclone has everything you need to make movies as a hobbyist but it is not yet designed as a tool for a small team , there is still some gap to develop custom content/tools without the agreement of Reallusion.

VFX is a major feature in my project that's why particles are important.

Thank you for the hint of Iclone 8 . But it's the first time that I have no expectations about a new Iclone. Just my vectorfield and Damping velocity of particles;)

By Warped Reality VFX - 6 Years Ago
Hello mtakerkart I will be releasing some new effects very soon, and making tutorials for popcornfx
I will be making some effects very similar to your example video I have quite a few I have been working on.

By mtakerkart - 6 Years Ago
Thank you Kevin L ! Can't wait to see :)
By mr_vidius - 6 Years Ago
Kevin L (6/10/2019)
Hello mtakerkart I will be releasing some new effects very soon, and making tutorials for popcornfx
I will be making some effects very similar to your example video I have quite a few I have been working on.


well kevin, i'm looking forward to that! i will be here.. with open hands, ready to play with your creations!

By mr_vidius - 6 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (6/9/2019)
I don't disagree with what you've said, and indeed the entire reason I got involved in iClone was due to character animation.  But I'm curious as to what you'd like to see them add to what they can already do?

I have some wishes along this line -- they could emulate Anima (or at the very least implement SOME sort of crowd system).  They could add head creation (I think this is coming).  They might add hair/fur creation.  But then what?

I think some of all of those things would be big sellers (Anima is really only a crowd system for architects and not animators -- it can be USED that way, but it's pretty poor overall for that.  I think 3DMax has some sort of crowd package, but aside from those two RL could make a huge impact by adding something like that) but that's what they are looking for, a new market.  They thought it would be gamers and my own gut tells me they are wasting their time -- either game makers already have a workflow they like, or those that could incorporate iClone could do so without such things as a "real time" workflow process.  So what will happen is they will generate a few dozen new sales but nothing to justify the dev revenue they are spending.

I also think that NOTHING we, the existing users, can say or do will help in this regard.  Sales has their own driving force, and they are single-mindedly focused in a way I think will spell trouble for RL down the road.  The good news is the product as it stands now at least works for me (I hope others can get there).

I totally agree with you. I'm a film maker, not a gamer. nor do i have any interest in games, or gaming. that sort of thing is very limiting in my point of view. film making on the other hand, 
has no limitations and is a far greater challenge with massive rewards.


By roger4038_039037 - 6 Years Ago

I purchased PopcornFX Plug-in for iClone yesterday and the only effect it can do is the "Crash-iClone"-effect. Even if myvideo card is rather weak (GeForce GTX 660 [3 GB] + 8 GB RAM). I can still use this card for DAZ, 3DXchange, Character Creator, iClone and Iray renders viaiClone. So, if you have a graphics card similar to mine don't buy the PopcornFXPlug-in for iClone.

By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
roger4038_039037 (6/25/2019)

I purchased PopcornFX Plug-in for iClone yesterday and the only effect it can do is the "Crash-iClone"-effect. Even if myvideo card is rather weak (GeForce GTX 660 [3 GB] + 8 GB RAM). I can still use this card for DAZ, 3DXchange, Character Creator, iClone and Iray renders viaiClone. So, if you have a graphics card similar to mine don't buy the PopcornFXPlug-in for iClone.

Do check that you have the latest graphics drivers installed. Quite often the problem can simply be with the drivers so it's worth trying.

By roger4038_039037 - 6 Years Ago

Do check that you have the latest graphics drivers installed. Quite often the problem can simply be with the drivers so it's worth trying.


I updated the graphics drivers yesterday and that actually solved another issue. After the driver update I am able to use the GPU for Iray rendering (and before that only the CPU).

I've now discovered that I can use some "older" or "simpler" particle effects, such as those under "Legacy" or "Water Hose" from PopcornFX Library 40. When I try to use stuff from "PopcornFX Learning Samples" and "PopcornFX Super Tools" my iClone 7 crashes by as little as moving just one frame forward on the timeline.