More on the future of real-time 3D
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By Geoffrey James - 5 Years Ago
This New Tech Will Spawn Billionaires and Almost Nobody Sees It Coming  

By justaviking - 5 Years Ago
Thanks for the link to the article.
Great press for iClone.  Smile
By sonic7 - 5 Years Ago

When we get to the point where 'accurate' AND 'affordable' mocap is available, then *digital live sets* will be the way to go. With body, hands, face, lips - all accurately captured via a single hardware sensor, stunning animation performances will take only a fraction of the current time, enabling the 'indie' film maker to produce low cost, high quality results quite quickly.
By Geoffrey James - 5 Years Ago
I posted this at around 2pm today and it seems to have generated a lot of interest.
By sjonesdc - 5 Years Ago
Thank you for the link and I really liked the article.  It brought back memories of the "early" days of computers.