Extend motion pose clips?

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By The-any-Key - 6 Years Ago
Noob question here. How can I extend a ex pose motion clip?
So it will become longer than just a frame?
I want it to be longer and edit the motion layer manually.
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
This happens by default if you have "Auto Extend" checked in the timeline (it's also on by default but in your timeline you've turned it off).

Just set a pose, move somewhere on the timeline, and set another pose.  The clip is autoextended.
By The-any-Key - 6 Years Ago
One frame is all I get. Auto expand on or off. Seem you can only extend a longer motion clip. But a one frame motion is not loop-able.
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

Are you working with 'poses' and not 'motions'?
If only poses they're static - so can't be extended ....
*** You have to make sure KEY frames are being "set" for each new pose, otherwise the pose extends along the timeline ***
But if you're using proper "motion" clips, like Mike said, - they *should* extend ....

I'm not familiar with the clips you're trying to add --- can you tell me the 'name' of the motions - were they purchased separately?
By dogged2003 - 6 Years Ago
Insert a pose in two adjacent frames. Merge Clip. Stretch. Flatten Motion Clip. Edit. 😎
By Rampa - 6 Years Ago
The clip will auto extend when you add keys in the motion layer.

So open the "Edit Motion Layer" from the Modify panel/Animation tab, or just press "N" on your keyboard. Once the motion layer panel is open, it will add keys into the clip (extending its length) if you have the timeline advanced further along.

You can also open the body part tracks in the timeline and just double-click on any track to add a key at whatever frrame you like. This will also extend the clip.
By The-any-Key - 6 Years Ago
Thanks for the suggestions.
Did however find a Python way to do it
By Rampa - 6 Years Ago
The-any-Key (12/30/2018)
Thanks for the suggestions.
Did however find a Python way to do it

Very cool! Smile
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago

Hey Any-Key! - that's *** brilliant! ***  Smile
By pruiz - 6 Years Ago
The_any-key.Is there a Motion clip sizer routine available please?
The-any-Key (12/30/2018)
Thanks for the suggestions.
Did however find a Python way to do it

By The-any-Key - 5 Years Ago
pruiz (12/31/2018)
The_any-key.Is there a Motion clip sizer routine available please?

Will upload it as fast the plugin marketplace is available in Q1.
Made a slightly improved version:
By dogged2003 - 5 Years Ago
What is this stuff? w00t