My second Python API trial
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By Delerna - 6 Years Ago
In the process of moving back to my home town so cant spend the time on this that I want to yet.
Anyway, here is my second trial. I am sticking with keeping things simple because I want to get familiar enough with writing this stuff that I can be sure problems with the codes I write is not due to me not being familiar enough with it yet. So not trying to do anything serious for a while. Just experiment experiment to get it into my head.

Here is the result of the code I wrote.

I have written a single file that automatically loads into iClone when I start it.
This single file adds 3 groups to the plugins menu bar and I have added 3 links to each of those which just opens a message box.
The thing for me here is that I see a possibility of creating a single file with many options for use. Especially when they are all related to each other but perform slightly different things
Not sure exactly what I will do with it yet though. Just playing around with ideas that I may or may not use

Coming very shortly is the actual code with comments on what it does

By Delerna - 6 Years Ago
OK here is the code. I hace actually created this in a folder called 00MyFirstExperriment.
I intend to keep these simple and named 01------   02----- etc so I have something I can go back to remind me of things I might forget about

import RLPy             #This is creting a reference to iClones API engine which gives us abilities to controll what iClone does through python codes
import PySide2          #This converts a 3rd party application named QT into python library functions. QT creates classic and embedded graphical user interfaces into many applications using python.
                        #NOTE: QT (pronounsed cute) was automatically installed when you updated iClone to 7.4 or above.
from PySide2 import *   #??????? I think its importing everything in QT into this program but not sure whether my thought on that is correct yet
from PySide2.shiboken2 import wrapInstance  #wrapInstance is a reference to QT's method for adding things to other programs elements. In this case to iClones Plugins menu bar.
                                            #the way I see this is it just makes it a bit easier to reference it in the code.
                                            #Rather than typing       ic_dlg = PySide2.shiboken2.wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.GetMainWindow()), QtWidgets.QMainWindow)
                                            # we can just type        ic_dlg = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.GetMainWindow()), QtWidgets.QMainWindow)

def initialize_plugin():
    createAllTheAnimationOptions()      #I did it this way to make it easier to follow what the code is doing. Its my style.
    createAllThePropControlOptions()    #I did it this way to make it easier to follow what the code is doing. Its my style.
    createAllTheiCloneEventOptions()    #I did it this way to make it easier to follow what the code is doing. Its my style.   

def createAllTheAnimationOptions():   
    ic_dlg = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.GetMainWindow()), QtWidgets.QMainWindow)  #I tried making ic_dlg a global variable but it stopped working. Going to look into that later
    #First we check to see if AnimationFunctions already exists in iClones plugins menu bar and if it doesn't it gets added
    AnimationFunctions = ic_dlg.menuBar().findChild(QtWidgets.QMenu, "AnimationFunctions_menu")
    if (AnimationFunctions == None):
        AnimationFunctions = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.AddMenu("Animation Functions", RLPy.EMenu_Plugins)), QtWidgets.QMenu)
    #Second we add the Animtion functions that users can click to achieve something. Probably should be a check to see if they exist also but not doing that yet
    AnimType1 = AnimationFunctions.addAction("Animation 1")     #Next we create links to appear within the AnimationFunctions
    AnimType1.triggered.connect(show_AnimType1)                 #And tell it what function to call when the user clicks it
    AnimType2 = AnimationFunctions.addAction("Animation 2")     #Next we create links to appear within the AnimationFunctions
    AnimType2.triggered.connect(show_AnimType2)                 #And tell it what function to call when the user clicks it
    AnimType3 = AnimationFunctions.addAction("Animation 3")     #Next we create links to appear within the AnimationFunctions
    AnimType3.triggered.connect(show_AnimType3)                 #And tell it what function to call when the user clicks it     
#Here are the functions that will get called when the user clicks one of the animation links added to iclones plugins menu bar   
def show_AnimType1():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("AnimType1", "Need to figure out what AnimType1 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)   
def show_AnimType2():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("AnimType2", "Need to figure out what AnimType2 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)       
def show_AnimType3():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("AnimType3", "Need to figure out what AnimType3 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)       
#Not commenting the rest of these because they are really similar to what is done with the Animation Options   
def createAllThePropControlOptions():
    ic_dlg = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.GetMainWindow()), QtWidgets.QMainWindow)
    PopControlFunctions = ic_dlg.menuBar().findChild(QtWidgets.QMenu, "PopControlFunctions_menu")
    if (PopControlFunctions == None):
        PopControlFunctions = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.AddMenu("Pop Functions", RLPy.EMenu_Plugins)), QtWidgets.QMenu)
    PopType1 = PopControlFunctions.addAction("Pop Control 1")
    PopType2 = PopControlFunctions.addAction("Pop Control 2")
    PopType3 = PopControlFunctions.addAction("Pop Control 3")
def show_PopType1():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("PopType1", "Need to figure out what PopControl1 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)
def show_PopType2():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("PopType2", "Need to figure out what PopControl2 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)   
def show_PopType3():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("PopType3", "Need to figure out what PopControl3 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)         

def createAllTheiCloneEventOptions():      
    ic_dlg = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.GetMainWindow()), QtWidgets.QMainWindow) 
    EventOptionFunctions = ic_dlg.menuBar().findChild(QtWidgets.QMenu, "EventOptionFunctions_menu")
    if (EventOptionFunctions == None):
        EventOptionFunctions = wrapInstance(int(RLPy.RUi.AddMenu("Event Functions", RLPy.EMenu_Plugins)), QtWidgets.QMenu)
    EventOption1 = EventOptionFunctions.addAction("Event Option 1")
    EventOption2 = EventOptionFunctions.addAction("Event Option 2")
    EventOption3 = EventOptionFunctions.addAction("Event Option 3")
def show_EventOption1():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("EventOption1", "Need to figure out what EventOption1 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)
def show_EventOption2():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("EventOption2", "Need to figure out what EventOption2 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)   
def show_EventOption3():
    RLPy.RUi.ShowMessageBox("EventOption3", "Need to figure out what EventOption3 is going to do", RLPy.EMsgButton_Ok)      

By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
It's good you are exploring this, as I'm sure a lot of folks will want to go this route.

(I'm approaching from the opposite directly, coding iClone manipulation stuff.  But I keep getting stuck by the bugs so will have to wait until the first of the year when they are fixed).
By Delerna - 6 Years Ago
Thanks Kellytoons.
Yes part of why Im doing it this way Is I will get familiar enough with this language and by the time all bugs are fixed I will be ready to start doing serious things