Export to Cinema 4D

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By steve_209669 - 7 Years Ago

I am an illustrator working in C4D and have just purchased CC3 to create my characters. The GoZ function has blown me away, allowing me to create totally custom characters without having to go through the time consuming process of rigging them afterwards. The characters are easy to pose in CC3 but revert to T-pose when I export to C4D.

I am exporting as FBX and opening the files in C4D. Everything looks clean and I'm getting nice pose morph tags for the face, however, I don't see controllers for anything else (eyes, mouth open, move hands and feet etc.). To pose the character I'm having to select bones and rotate which is less than ideal.

I'm attaching imotion animation when I export to get the character into the sort of pose I want (by scrubbing the timeline in C4D) but I then need to freeze the pose and tweak it further (this is for still renders, not animated characters).

Is there a way to export the FBX with controllers to C4D? If not, can this be achieved with iclone or another plug in that would automatically add controllers to the rigged mesh in C4D. Alternatively, could someone suggest a quick way of adding controllers in C4D.

