Need some help with animating an animal
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By shadowandmax - 6 Years Ago

I bought this software yesterday SPECIFICALLY to animate pictures of my dog.  It seems almost impossible to find any demo or tutorial on this ANYWHERE... I have looked through the entire UI, also created a convoluted human with my dog's face, but I can't seem to find any way to animate the dog with the dog's body etc.

I bought this software because I saw a demo of someone creating a talking dog with CrazyTalk 7.  The UI in 7 is completely different from 8, and I can't seem to make any headway.  If this software can no longer do this, I can't use it and will have to return it, but honestly, I'd prefer if I could use it for what I intended when I bought it.

I'm using CrazyTalk 8... version 8.13.3615.1
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago

In CrazyTalk 8 you can create both 3D and 2D heads. 3D heads are new for CT8 but if you choose to create a 2D head it works exactly the same as CrazyTalk 7.

You will also find that if you select the Project tab in Content Manager, and then choose 2D Actor, you will see two sample animal projects. One for a Cat and one for a Hamster. Once you load one of these projects you can select the "Face Fitting Editor" on the top tool bar to see how the fitting points have been setup for animals. The actual process of setting the fitting points is exactly the same as for a human character.

So please take a look at the tutorial video below which takes you through the process and in particular from 7:48 onwards where it shows how to setup an animal character.