CC3 pdf manual ?
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By RobertoColombo - 7 Years Ago

I am not sure whether a pdf version of CC3 manual exist, like is e.g. for iClone.
Is it available ?


By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Hi... Only the Online Manual is available at present.

Just to add when offline manuals are available they will be found in your Member Account > Registration page by clicking the Download link.
By RobertoColombo - 7 Years Ago
Thanks Peter

I hope a pdf version is planned: it is very convenient when being offline
By 304445987 - 4 Years Ago
Hi Peter,

I am a Chinese user.  Nice to meet you.

I am wondering if you can share an offline (PDF format)  CC3 manul with me? If you have the Chinese version, that would be greatly helpful. I see there is an online version, but the title is English, which is not good for searching and viewing. So I am writing to checking if you can help with this.

Look forward to hearing from you early. Thank you.
By Peter (RL) - 4 Years Ago
304445987 (12/2/2021)
Hi Peter,

I am a Chinese user.  Nice to meet you.

I am wondering if you can share an offline (PDF format)  CC3 manul with me? If you have the Chinese version, that would be greatly helpful. I see there is an online version, but the title is English, which is not good for searching and viewing. So I am writing to checking if you can help with this.

Look forward to hearing from you early. Thank you.


Unfortunately we don't have a PDF manual for Character Creator 3 but we do have a downloadable version of the Online Manual. You can find this in your Reallusion Account by clicking the "Download" link for CC3.

The problem with producing downloadable manuals is that they are out of date almost immediately. This is because Character Creator is under constant development and new features are added with each update.  For this reason the Online Manual is the recommended way to learn CC3 as it is always up to date.
By gmar - 3 Years Ago
Hi Peter, I located a Reallusion developer's guide, and can't be certain if the information is updated. 
Specifically, I'd like to determine the max mesh count for creating clothing for CC4 body mesh.  Is this document the recommended reference source?  Thank you
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
gmar (8/5/2022)
Hi Peter, I located a Reallusion developer's guide, and can't be certain if the information is updated. 
Specifically, I'd like to determine the max mesh count for creating clothing for CC4 body mesh.  Is this document the recommended reference source?  Thank you

Link didn't work correctly

Peter will know for sure, but apart from additional facial morphs, the body mesh itself didn't change in CC4. So the information may still be relevant.
By Peter (RL) - 3 Years Ago
gmar (8/5/2022)
Hi Peter, I located a Reallusion developer's guide, and can't be certain if the information is updated. 
Specifically, I'd like to determine the max mesh count for creating clothing for CC4 body mesh.  Is this document the recommended reference source?  Thank you

As Animagic already explained, CC4 characters still have the CC3+ mesh so the methods shown in the PDF will still apply to creating content for CC4.
By gmar - 3 Years Ago
Thanks Peter and Animagic.  I am still a little unclear about some of the specs.  The guide specifies for example max. polycount for Jacket at 5000 quads.  But I have seen many YT videos that demonstrate Marvelous Designer workflow that clearly show clothing articles that exceed that limitation.  Here is one example.

In my case, I take MD mesh as a very basic mesh for more sculpting.  I would retopo to generate a base mesh using MD mesh as reference.  As such, I want to make sure the retopo mesh is within the max limit.  Otherwise, I'll be doing all that work only to find out the mesh is too dense.  Anyways, I'm kind of new to content creation so maybe I'm asking a noob question.  Any help or advice is appreciated.

By gmar - 3 Years Ago
Hi Peter..just came across one of the RL training videos in which a selected shirt has 28,028 triangles or 14,000 polys.  You can see my confusion.
By animagic - 3 Years Ago
@gmar: I think the quoted polycounts have to be considered guidelines, not absolute rules. Some are also from several years ago when PCs were less powerful.

One aspect that makes iClone efficient to work with is the real-time viewport which requires fast rendering. So poly-heavy items will slow down the system, but in case of enough RAM and a powerful graphics card you may still be OK.

Besides polycount, texture size also plays a role. So texture sizes of 4K or more may have an impact, sometimes more than polycount.

Clothing detail requiring a high polycount can sometimes also be accomplished with suitable normal maps. I don't make clothes myself, but these are tips I have picked up along the way.
By gmar - 3 Years Ago
Thanks for reply Animagic.  I think the Developer Guide is terribly outdated.  Aside from the polycount, its spec for texture max size is only 2K.  Even a noob like me knows that is not correct.