By Peter Blood - 6 Years Ago
Hi guys: :) I'm trying to learn how to import characters in .fbx format and I came up to an imediate problem. I was watching a reallusion video on how to do it rig it in 3dx5 but it didn't answer my question. The issue is: The character imports fine except that it is not in a perfect t-pose. See below
Is there anyway for me to adjust his arms into the correct position before I begin assigning the bones? Any help will be appreciated.
:cool: pete
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Have you tried selecting one of the Preset profiles to see if your characters bones can be automatically assigned? If one of the Presets works (the light turns green) then you can just load the corresponding t-pose.
If you need to assign the bones manually, then take a look at the tutorial video below. This explains how to create a t-pose for a custom bone rig where a t-pose file isn't available.
By Peter Blood - 6 Years Ago
Thanks Peter. :) Much appreciated sir.
:cool: pete