Missing Content ....

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By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

I get the following message in BOTH iClone 7.2 and 7.3
Any ideas?
(thanking anyone who can solve this mystery)

By Postfrosch - 7 Years Ago
Question: Did you download and install this package from your user account?
I can be wrong, but I think then the moves should be back

It is worth a try

Greets from Germany
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

Thanks - I'll give that a try  :) (I thought I had everything loaded - but maybe not - I'll check)

(btw I had re-installed v7.2 yesterday, but even so, was having this issue earlier - when 7.3 was installed)
Anyway, the 'Bonus Pack' that's currently installed is:

So do I need to install any other Bonus pack or files as well?
By wires - 7 Years Ago
Make sure that you also have the following Sub-Folders in your MographMotion Root

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

This is what's there Gerry ......


By wires - 7 Years Ago
If all of those files are in place then everything should work OK. The Bonus Pack that you mentioned is the only one available and is for any iClone 7 version, while the Resource Pack on the download page will only work with 7.3.
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

The 'message' calls for a Folder named 01_G5 Motion_Chuck - correct? - which has not been installed to the 'Motion' folder ... correct?
So, why wouldn't that Folder be there?
I installed 7.2 with the following order:

1. IC7_Enu
2. IC7_Enu_Resource_Pack
3. iC721_Multi_Full_Patch
4. IC7_Enu_Bonus_Pack

Just now I tried 're-loading' in the Bonus Pack - but it's still the same result ....
So what software is responsible for installing this Folder?
By Postfrosch - 7 Years Ago
You have to (probably) reinstall the resource pack for 7.2.
These packs must (should) be reinstalled each time the version is changed

Greets Postfrosch

So what software is responsible for installing this Folder?

Should be a * .exe file
or it will be installed automatically via rdl

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

Thanx Postfrosch - I'll give that a go ......
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

Nope .... same result.
Both Chuck and Gwynn display the same message when right clicking 'Move' > 'Walk Forward' .... even for a 'straight' walk (without a path).

The 'Nude Characters' work fine.
The G6 Characters work fine.
The Clone Bone Characters work fine.

The G3 Character 'Benny' displays a different error message .... "Error Adding Move Command"
Kane, Trey, Trinity and Violet - also display ... 
"Error Adding Move Command"
The G5 'Outfit Collection' all fail and show the same 'original' error message.

The G6 'Outfit Collection' all work fine.
The 'Non-Standard Humans 'Dummy' and 'Sack' work fine.
The 'Lamp' works fine.

The CC Characters don't have the 'move' feature - so can't test that.
By Postfrosch - 7 Years Ago
Look if Benny and Co have integrated a persona. (Should be like this)
This error message comes only if there is no persona in it
Greets Postfrosch
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

I'm just doing a 'Macrium Reflect' back-up of my entire 'C'-Drive.
Once completed, I was going to load-in my 'Genesis version' of 3 months ago (when only v7.2 was on the PC), and 'see' if the same problem existed then.
(I didn't try the 'walk forward' motions back then, so I don't remember if they worked or not).

But once this backup has run through (another 15 minutes), - I'll try your suggestion *first* - thnx Postfrosch !! :)
I'm sure it's a case of 'missing files' - but the question is 'why' are they missing? .....

EDIT: Here we go ...... not sure if this is what you're suggesting Postfrosch ...... do these help?

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

Well there you go......
My roll-back to August 4th (the original 'fresh' install of iClone 7.2) shows the exact same issue ....
Those folders are simply not installed ...

This appears to be an issue (easily reproducible) by anyone else ....

So, quite simply, the folder called '01_G5 Motion_Chuck' does not get installed during iClone installation.
Nor does the '02_G5 Motion_Gwynn' folder get installed either.
Plus the others mentioned above .....

By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Hi Sonic

The Chuck and Heidi Persona's and motions were included in iClone 5 but are not included with iClone 7.

Try downloading them from the link below and see if these work.


Once downloaded, unzip, and then copy the two folders to the location below if you used the default install (adjust accordingly if you used a custom install).

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Template\iClone 7 Template\iClone Template\Motion

I hope this helps.
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago

Thanks Peter .... I wasn't so much personally after this for my own use ....
I just stumbled across something 'I couldn't understand' - and found myself wanting to somehow 'solve it' ... (can't help myself - lol).
Anyway - the good news is - no I'm not going barney (well not just yet at least) .... 
It's good to know the folders weren't meant to be there all along.

The other *plus* is that I got to try out my first Macrium Backup 'restore exercise' with this ... I was certainly apprehensive - but it worked a treat - and I even returned my system back again to where I was a few hours ago - so yeah - it's nice to know that's all working too ......  :)
Cheers Peter ....

Edit: - But hey - thanks for the link! ... I should still download and try !!! :)

Edit:   Ahhh .... Peter! ..... it works a treat .... thanks !!! :)

By animagic - 7 Years Ago
In iClone 6 a G5 Bonus Content Pack was added to make earlier characters available including their personas. I don't know if that was carried over to IC7 (I don't see a G5 pack anymore).

So in case you happen to have iClone 6, you could try to install that G5 Bonus Pack, which should add the G3 and G5 characters and their personas.

However, if a character like Benny is there and his Persona, it should work.

I just copy over everything from earlier versions (if not present already), so I don't know what happens with a fresh install. Then again, I just remembered that I did have some problems when copying over content, because the motions weren't in the right place.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
animagic (10/24/2018)
In iClone 6 a G5 Bonus Content Pack was added to make earlier characters available including their personas. I don't know if that was carried over to IC7 (I don't see a G5 pack anymore).

Unfortunately the "iC5_Bonus_content_collection" for iClone 6 won't install directly into iClone 7. You will need iClone 6 installed to be able to use this bonus pack.

In fact iClone 7 also has it's own Bonus pack of older iClone 5 & 6 content but this sadly doesn't contain the motion files for the Chuck Persona that Sonic found were missing.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
sonic7 (10/24/2018)

Edit:   Ahhh .... Peter! ..... it works a treat .... thanks !!! :)

Thanks for letting me know. Glad it helped. :)
By Alexxander - 6 Years Ago
Hello Peter,
I found that I have not some mixmove files such as 00_Male(CC).Sit_Chair.SitC04, SitC04B, SitC04_Mirror, SitC04B_Mirror and Female(CC) with unknown for me names: I have only 2 female files SitC01 and SitC02.
These files are nessesary as idles for MixMoves Communication 200 which I think to buy. But without these files this pack will be unusable for my needs.

RL video shows all this files:

but I have only limited version:


I suspect that stay idles may be incomplete too. 
Current version: iClone 7.41 Pipeline
Reinstall didn't help.
