Hair losing transparency when texture loaded?
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By Danny_B - 6 Years Ago
I'm trying to change the colour of my character's hair and I'm running into a bit of an odd problem.  I've saved the diffuse texture, and edited it in Paint.NET.  But when I go to add it in, the hair model seems to lose all its transparency.  For example:



I'd like to get the texture of the second shot with the softness/blending of the first one.  Is there something I'm missing?
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
Can you post a screen shot of the materials for the hair?  ALL the channels, so we can see the opacity as well as the diffuse.  (And there may be more than one material for that hair, so we might need more than one screen shot).

Also, if you let us know exactly what hair that is it would be helpful.
By Danny_B - 6 Years Ago
Here's what my texture settings look like on the original hair:

After I load the modified texture, it looks like this:
The diffuse is literally the only thing that's changed.  All the other settings are still the same.  The hair in question is this one here:
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
Actually, no, the diffuse is NOT the only thing that changed.  Look at the opacity map.  You're missing that.  (It's now completely white).

You need that original opacity map in there and all will be well.
By Danny_B - 6 Years Ago

That got it working.  So it resets the opacity map every time a new texture is loaded?

By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
It should not.  There is something broken about Opacity maps in CC3 (I assume that's what you are using).  If you have the Pipeline version and use Transformer, it will set all the opacity maps on all the skin textures to fully white as well (harmless for that, not so much for hair).  Somehow their coding got wonked up -- would be worth putting in an FT on this (I already have put in a request to fix the opacity map issue on Transformer -- perhaps that will fix both).
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
Kelleytoons (10/21/2018)
It should not.  There is something broken about Opacity maps in CC3 (I assume that's what you are using).  If you have the Pipeline version and use Transformer, it will set all the opacity maps on all the skin textures to fully white as well (harmless for that, not so much for hair).  Somehow their coding got wonked up -- would be worth putting in an FT on this (I already have put in a request to fix the opacity map issue on Transformer -- perhaps that will fix both).

I think you are mistaken KT. There should be no issues using Transformer for hair and I certainly don't have any.

Opacity maps are white for skin textures but this has no impact on the skin because opacity isn't used. However opacity maps for Hair textures are correctly imported when using Transformer and are not white.
By justaviking - 6 Years Ago
Peter (RL) (10/22/2018)
There should be no issues using Transformer for hair and I certainly don't have any.

Opacity maps are white for skin textures but this has no impact on the skin because opacity isn't used. However opacity maps for Hair textures are correctly imported when using Transformer and are not white.

So what happened to Danny's Opacity map then?

By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
Yeah, what Dennis said <g>.

And I never said, Peter, that hair coming in through Transformer was doing this, just skin textures (and it is NOT harmless -- it takes up unnecessary space, for one thing, and for another some skin DOES have transparency maps.  I can point you to some if you doubt me).
By animagic - 6 Years Ago
32-bit PNG textures may wipe out the current Opacity map (as it takes the alpha from the PNG). In all other cases it should leave it alone. Also, I agree that all-white Opacity textures are a waste of space. 

For the OP. Check the Paint.NET export settings.