Frequently Asked Questions
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By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Here are the common questions you might encounter, and the tips to make the conversion smoothly.
  1. What base figure can be imported to CC via the Transformer function?
  2. Why can't I import the Daz Genesis characters into CC?
  3. How to find texture profile of Daz/HiveWire characters when doing Transformer?
  4. How to fix eye blinking issue in 3DXChange?
  5. How to fix eye abnormalities of Genesis 8 characters?
By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Q. What base figure can be imported to CC via the Transformer function?

A. The compatible figures are
  • Daz Genesis 1, 2, 3, 8, Michael 4, Victoria 4
  • HiveWire (Dawn & Dusk)

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Q. Why can't I import the Daz Genesis characters into CC?

A. Only the standard Genesis characters can be imported into CC. Sometimes the so-call "Genesis compatible" character isn't really based on on the actual Genesis mesh. The skeleton difference make the transformation failed.

Besides, if there is hidden meshes settings in Daz Studio, Transformer Tool may not able to find exact matching topology for the correct conversion. Please check the hide mesh settings and try again.

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Q. How to find texture profile of Daz/HiveWire characters when doing Transformer?

A. Template > Character Creator 3 Template > DazResource > TextureProfile

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Q. How to fix eye blinking issue in 3DXChange?

A. Large eyes do not completely come to a close when blinking.  Use 3DXchange to adjust the eye blink morph target:

1. Export the iAvatar file from Character Creator, and load it to 3DXChange 
2. Export the "Eye_Blink" morph in OBJ format
3. Import to 3rd party 3D tool to edit eyes, and save it as OBJ
4. Replace the "Eye_Blink" OBJ with the updated one
5. Export the file iAvatar, and load it to CC3

By Miranda (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Q. How to fix eye abnormalities of Genesis 8 characters?

Daz character not using the G8 standard eyeball failed to import into Character Creator (popup error message).
Workaround: Fix G8 eye abnormalities directly inside Daz Studio by utilizing its morph sliders before entering CC.

Note: we will continue to research proper fixes within CC for a possible future update/release.
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Miranda (RL) (9/27/2018)
Q. How to fix eye blinking issue in 3DXChange?

A. Large eyes do not completely come to a close when blinking.  Use 3DXchange to adjust the eye blink morph target:

1. Export the iAvatar file from Character Creator, and load it to 3DXChange 
2. Export the "Eye_Blink" morph in OBJ format
3. Import to 3rd party 3D tool to edit eyes, and save it as OBJ
4. Replace the "Eye_Blink" OBJ with the updated one
5. Export the file iAvatar, and load it to CC3


Could you check something with the devs for me?  It doesn't seem right to require folks bringing in Daz characters to have to edit the eyes this way.  They ought to be able to do it in a much simpler fashion -- by closing the eyes in Daz and exporting THIS and then taking this character into CC3, making an avatar out of it, and exporting it as the OBJ to use as the eyes closed morph.

Except... It doesn't work.  XChange reports inconsistent verts, which is crazy because they are exactly the same character.  The only possibility is that making an avatar somehow changes the verts between the two, which really shouldn't happen.  Anyway, it would be *really* nice for folks without a 3rd Party solution to fix their eyes in another way (if nothing more CC3 ought to support exported character morphs, the way it does clothing morphs.  That would solve a whole lot of issues).

By DS-Waqas - 5 Years Ago

Some more questions about  using Daz characters with Iclone , CC3 etc

1- Can  it convert the materials from Daz to PBR game ready or not? It seems in  all the tutorials I could find for using Daz characters in Iclone they go and change the materials?

2- Do all the different features you can use for CC3 characters work for Daz characters once they have been imported using the Transfer tool? 

Things like the lips synch from audio, the facial capture using an iphone etc

3- I already have FaceMojo to help create facial mocap using the iphone with Daz. Can that resulting baked animation be imported along with the character into Iclone?

4- Can I use clothes created in Zbrush and Marvelous Designer.   Also I saw you can apply physics to hair and clothing with this work in this case too?

5- Can x-gen hair be imported and applied to my custom characters in Iclone and CC3?

I'm thinking  to create mostly original characters, clothes and hair with the help of Daz, Maya and Zbrush  and then assemble the animation in Iclone to export to Unreal.. Are there any other things I need to consider?

By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
DS-Waqas (12/30/2020)

Some more questions about  using Daz characters with Iclone , CC3 etc

1- Can  it convert the materials from Daz to PBR game ready or not? It seems in  all the tutorials I could find for using Daz characters in Iclone they go and change the materials?

Yes. If you choose the "Advanced" option when using Transformer, CC3 will convert the Daz materials be to CC3 compatible.

2- Do all the different features you can use for CC3 characters work for Daz characters once they have been imported using the Transfer tool?

Yes. Once a Daz character is converted using Transformer it will then be a standard CC3 character. It can then use all the animation features of iClone.

3- I already have FaceMojo to help create facial mocap using the iphone with Daz. Can that resulting baked animation be imported along with the character into Iclone?

No. iClone has its own facial animation features. Once you bring in a Daz character you can then animate it using the Face Key editor, Motion Puppet or using facial mocap with either Live Face (iPhone) or Faceware (Webcam). 

4- Can I use clothes created in Zbrush and Marvelous Designer.   Also I saw you can apply physics to hair and clothing with this work in this case too?

Yes. You can import clothing, hair and other accessories from almost any 3rd party source. Once converted you can apply physics to them.

5- Can x-gen hair be imported and applied to my custom characters in Iclone and CC3?

Any hair can be imported into CC3 in OBJ or FBX format but only as a standard mesh. You can also import hair morphs from Daz along with the hair mesh. Once converted, hair physics can be applied.

By Ryu Senpai - 4 Years Ago
What is the most efficient way to import the large selection of DAZ Assets in to CC3?

Will I need to just do the individual projects to get them over on the Transformer?

Or any other options?