By Data Juggler - 7 Years Ago
And hopefully your answer is not I and Tracing.
Thanks, I am waiting to hear someone with an RTX 2080 (ti) and IClone say it is blazingly fast so I can justify shelling out almost as much as my whole computer cost.
I would like to understand the terminology. I have watched a few videos' on Nvidia Ray Tracing (reflections from other light sources bouncing), and 1 now on IRay about DAZ, not sure if that is the same type of plug in. I just want to understand the terminology so I do not sound like the village idiot (again).
Are they both Render engines, and the Ray Tracing is just newer?
By gordryd - 7 Years Ago
They are 2 different things (sort of...) -- a simple explanation is that Ray Tracing is a generic process/technique that simulates the paths that every light source can take in every direction in a 3D scene and calculates reflections, illumination, shadows, etc for the final rendered image. iRay is s/w that is just one company's implementation ot that process.
By Data Juggler - 7 Years Ago
Thank you for the explanation.
By TheOldBuffer - 7 Years Ago
My rtx2080 ti should be landing by weekend, I'll have some performance figures next week.
By Data Juggler - 7 Years Ago
@TheOldBuffer Thanks, for the update, I figured someone here would buy the 2080 ti.
What are you using now for comparison's sake before the upgrade?
So far I spend far more time designing than rendering, so speed hasn't been an issue for me yet.
By TheOldBuffer - 7 Years Ago
I've got a Gtx 970 at present so there should be quite a performance increase.
By Data Juggler - 7 Years Ago
I have a GTX 950, so I know I would see a huge improvement. If I did animation professionally I could justify the money now, but with the amount of time I render it is hard for me to consider $1,000+ dollars.
By justaviking - 7 Years Ago
Data Juggler (9/26/2018) I have a GTX 950, so I know I would see a huge improvement. If I did animation professionally I could justify the money now, but with the amount of time I render it is hard for me to consider $1,000+ dollars.
Seriously consider a GTX 1080Ti.
Unless you can benefit from the new "RTX" capability (and iClone does not), it will still be a HUGE improvement over what you have, and will cost a lot less than the RTX 2080 or RTX 2080Ti, so the GTX 1080Ti will be a much better "value" for most people.
The GTX 1080Ti does have 11GB of VRAM, which is great.