Character Creator 3- free for premium plus members?
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By matrix77 - 7 Years Ago
i am new here but i want to ask if i am a premium plus member and  already own CC2 do i must buy CC3 if i want it or its free for members?
By animagic - 7 Years Ago
matrix77 (9/20/2018)
i am new here but i want to ask if i am a premium plus member and  already own CC2 do i must buy CC3 if i want it or its free for members?

The standard CC3 comes with iClone and is free. CC3 Pipeline is a standalone application and must be purchased separately. It has additional features, such as the ability to create the same character in different resolutions, which is useful for background characters and crowds.

There is a version comparison somewhere, but I can't find it...:unsure:
By Warped Reality VFX - 7 Years Ago
Hello, matrix77 Here is my understanding there are two version of CC3, the free version for iClone 7 if you have already purchased iClone 7 and the pipeline version.
This version cost $129. There is no free upgrade for premium plus members that I am aware of
Best Regards
Kevin L.
Here is a link to. Edition Comparison: CC3 for iClone vs. CC3 Pipeline

By matrix77 - 7 Years Ago
thank you all for your answears.i am using iclone just for lipsync and bodymotion.this new version of cc3 looks interresting and maybe can help me with my characters,there will be no need to import chars made in another programs