how to access PBR 200 substances from Charatcer Creator 2 Appearance Editor
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By swordflasher - 7 Years Ago
Hi, I recently started using iClone 7, and have just bought Visual Essentials. Can you tell me how to access PBR 200 substances from the Character Creator 2 Appearance Editor please?
I'm enjoying using the standard substances in the Appearance Editor and want to expand my range.

It looks like PBR 200 has ended up in iClone 7, where it has limited functionality. Thanks.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago

The Substance PBR 200 is a content pack for iClone 7, it is not installed into Character Creator. However you can add substances manually in CC2.

Please take a look at the tutorial video below. This should help you understand the process of using substances in CC2.
By swordflasher - 7 Years Ago
Many thanks Peter. I've bookmarked it and will get my head around it later. Much appreciated.
By The Digital Stylist - 2 Years Ago
I’m having a hard time importing these into character creator can you please help me? Thank you in advance
By animagic - 2 Years Ago
The Digital Stylist (4/20/2023)
I’m having a hard time importing these into character creator can you please help me? Thank you in advance

This is an old thread. Which version of Character Creator are you using? A lot has changed since CC2.

Also, give a more detailed description of what you are trying to do.