mark (9/13/2018)
I'm sure this has been asked and answered before but...I happen to have a pose I like in CC2 and wondered how to get that pose into iClone? The posed avatar always comes into iClone as a "T" pose. Anyway to change that so the pose in CC2 is the pose I get in iClone?
Hi Mark
In CC2 the avatar is exported in the default pose which is the T-Pose. However if you open the Pose Editing panel (N), you can pose your character and then press "Set As Default". Your custom pose will then be the default and will the one exported with your .iAvatar. Note: You can switch this back to the t-pose from the Calibration panel.
However in CC3 this all changes. In CC3 you will have a Pose entry in Content Manager where you can save your custom poses as .rlMotion or .iMotionPlus. These can then be used in iClone 7 and vice versa by simply dragging and dropping the pose onto your character.