By Dan Miller - 7 Years Ago
I have a situation where I need to move the character's left eye forward. I think this was caused by all of the modifications needed to the head mesh. Is it possible to export to Blender, make the changes, then re-import back to Crazy Talk 8 Pipeline? I also bought 3D Exchange Pipeline but not seeing a way to do it through that but maybe I'm missing something.
Any suggestions on how to move the left eye forward? If it can be done within Crazy Talk 8 without exporting then great.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Unfortunately CrazyTalk 8 doesn't have an option to export to Blender or other 3rd party software. The only export option available in the Pipeline version is to export the head to iClone / Character Creator.
The best solution would be to try and fix the issue in CrazyTalk 8 itself. Please see the manual page HERE for instructions.
By Dan Miller - 7 Years Ago
Ok, I appreciate the reference. I was able to make it much better using the techniques from the manual. Thanks!