By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
this function in CC3 needs to be better explained, I am entitled to the free version of cc3 and the only function that is making me think of buying the pipeline version is this: "Character Auto Rigging" I did not see anything in the wip videos, please .. I think of buying the pipeline version today. just for this function, Miranda please explain how it will work, if it will work .. thanks
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
The process is very simple.
You export your Daz Genesis / Victoria 4 / Michael 4 or Hivewire figure to FBX. This can be a clothed character or just the avatar itself.
Then in CC3 Pipeline you press the "Transformer" button and choose your exported FBX. CC3 will then do all the conversion work automatically and you will end up with CC3 Base compatible version of your character.
Here is an example of a Daz Genesis 8 character (Cora) converted and wearing CC Essentials clothing. All done in CC3 Pipeline.
By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
so "character auto rigging" means genesis auto rigging ? or it works with custom characters i will create on blender/3dmax/cinema4d etc ?
By illusionLAB - 6 Years Ago
Sounds more like "remeshing" and "retargeting" to me - especially as you're restricted to specific character libraries.
By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
my point is, will I be able to continue exporting and importing CC bases as I currently do with my CC2? objs to create morphs and assets like clothing? using the old method? "riging clothes using weight transfer in 3d max and importing the fbx back to create various clothes?" if not ok i buy it then ,but its not fair
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago
W.S. >>> will I be able to continue exporting and importing CC bases as I currently do with my CC2? Hey Wildstar .... here's the comparison: CC2 vs CC3 (free) vs CC3 (paid) Source:
By larryjbiz - 6 Years Ago
So if you bring a clothed genesis character for instance. Will the clothes be recognized as cloth...or it be converted as part of the avatar.
By sonic7 - 6 Years Ago
I'm wondering if you'd bring them in 'together' or 'separate' ......
By wildstar - 6 Years Ago
i have a diferent workflow, i use 3dmax/mudbox for all my creations. if i want i can bring a genesis cloth for CC without nothing of that. btw i already see this tabble cc2 vs cc3. my doubt is if i can do all things i do in CC2 in CC3 no pipeline , just cause i dont have interest in any feature. just the "character autorigging" now i undestand is "genesis autoriging"
my last creation for a client using my workflow
By larryjbiz - 6 Years Ago
Above peter said clothed or just avatar.
I'm just wondering if I bring in the avatar clothed..will I be able to save the clothes as separate cloth items in my
By Kelleytoons - 6 Years Ago
larryjbiz (9/12/2018) So if you bring a clothed genesis character for instance. Will the clothes be recognized as cloth...or it be converted as part of the avatar.
They will be recognized as separate cloth items (or even hair, shoes and gloves, as is appropriate).
By larryjbiz - 6 Years Ago
Cool...thanks for reply KellyT
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
wildstar (9/11/2018) so "character auto rigging" means genesis auto rigging ? or it works with custom characters i will create on blender/3dmax/cinema4d etc ?
Unfortunately you can't use the Transformer feature to import custom characters you have created yourself in Blender. 3DS Max etc. Only characters there is a import profile for will import. This is currently Daz Genesis, Victoria 4, Michael 4 or Hivewire figures.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
wildstar (9/11/2018) my point is, will I be able to continue exporting and importing CC bases as I currently do with my CC2? objs to create morphs and assets like clothing? using the old method? "riging clothes using weight transfer in 3d max and importing the fbx back to create various clothes?" if not ok i buy it then ,but its not fair
Yes you can continue to import and export OBJ's to create morphs just as you can do now in CC2. You can also import clothing in OBJ format and quickly apply it to your character using the transfer skin weights feature.
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
larryjbiz (9/12/2018) So if you bring a clothed genesis character for instance. Will the clothes be recognized as cloth...or it be converted as part of the avatar.
As KT already answered, clothing will be automatically recognised and will be separate from the avatar. The clothing can also be saved separately from the avatar and applied to other avatars.