By Walvince - 7 Years Ago
I' trying to follow this tutorial but I've got a problem from the beginning... :doze: When I add the PBR material to the prop, nothing happens. Well visually because technically in the material tab I can see that all seems ok (there's texture settings, etc).
Previously I saw a problem that could be the same. When I add water (props/water/still normal), it only add a monochrome surface with no water effect. I noticed that the diffuse map was empty, so it's probably the problem here but I guess it's not normal and that's there is a problem somwhere (files missing ?)
By justaviking - 7 Years Ago
Hi. Can you add a couple screen shots, please?
Is it safe to assume you're adding the PBR material using the drag-and-drop technique shown at the beginning of the tutorial you linked? What are you applying the material to? An iClone primitive (plane, cube, etc.) or a more complicated item, one that might have multiple materials?
By Walvince - 7 Years Ago
Well I am doing the exact same thing (I think) than in the tutorial, so I drag & drop the concrete_pavement substance on the soft cloth 64x64.
Here is the global window after applying the material :

Then the Modify panel parameters :

And the content :

By justaviking - 7 Years Ago
Try changing this setting (see picture) to "High."

By Walvince - 7 Years Ago
Wonderfull, that was it ! Thanks a lot !
Displacement Map and Substance were unchecked in the preferences, I didn't know we could customized that. Thanks for your help :)
By rustybee255 - 4 Years Ago
Thx Walvince! Sometimes the most obvious adjustments are the most difficult to try :-)
By annette.wilson1227 - 3 Years Ago
You are so right, I tried everything but your solution.
thank you