By forestkelley - 7 Years Ago
The transition between the Idle and Talk audio motions is a bit abrupt and I can't drag the transition handle out to make the transition longer. Is this not a feature? It seems to default to a few milliseconds.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
Hi... To be able to help you, please can you tell us which version of Crazytalk are you using? (6,7,8, Standard, Pro, Pipeline etc.)
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
If you are using CrazyTalk 8 Pipeline then you will find if you use motions on the motion clip track, then these will automatically transition to the Auto Motion track in between clips for smoother blending between motions. Unfortunately the blending area at the start of the motion/auto-motion clip is not adjustable.