Blender Addon to Consolidate Daz textures before moving to Character Creator
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By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
I've always had to consolidate the materials in a Daz clothing or other item before moving it to Character Creator and/or iClone, so I finally got off my butt and wrote an addon for Blender that does it for me.  Here's a short video explaining how:

Edit:  Doh -- yeah, I know well you can go into the scene and hide the avatar itself.  I just never think about that.  (Plus I *just* woke up).
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
Brilliant Mike!
Your deep and broad knowledge shines through again!
It seems to me quite a rare thing for a person to have both 'practical / creative skills' as well as 'technical / programming skills' ....
But this is proof .... :)
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Thanks so much for the kind words.

I always felt programming was more an art than a science, and over the years as such it gave me a chance to be creative.  But nowadays it strictly is a time saver, something I so desperately need <g>.
By gcshep - 7 Years Ago

I totally agree with sonic7 statement, I have been using the KT method for the last week and have created loads of clothing DAZ toCC.

Thank you very much Mike.

Best Regards


By gcshep - 7 Years Ago

I totally agree with sonic7 statement, I have been using the KT method for the last week and have created loads of clothing DAZ toCC.

Thank you very much Mike.

Best Regards


By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago

Make sure you install the newest version of this addon -- it's changed quite a bit since you tested it (and thanks for that!).  It now will correctly respect diffuse color differences, as well as pick up the difference in bump and diffuse maps (so it could be fooled before).

I'm also going to post Dropbox links to all my dummy files (the Blender dummys) as they change a bit as I refine them, just in case anyone wants the latest (maybe tonight after tennis -- I need to save some energy for THAT endeavor, as this old man needs all he can get :>).
By gcshep - 7 Years Ago
Thanks Mike for the update.
Samples below.
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Cool -- looking good.

I suspect you'll find, as I have, that you have SO much clothing you don't know what to do with it all (I need at some point to just stop, but it's SO much fun to get new outfits every day).
By gcshep - 7 Years Ago
Yes I know what you mean must learn to control myself ha ha.