Export Failed

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By skearndas - 7 Years Ago
I'm having a problem with 3DXChange 7.2. I cannot complete the Convert to a Non-Human character. After the program attempts to convert, my quadruped character won't export into Iclone. I'm getting the error: export failed. Please check your access right to the folder and disk space issue.  I noticed this issue was previously reported in the FeedbackTracker in Feb but it now shows a Solved status. I can't seem to find any other information. I have reinstalled 3dXChange again tried a couple of other things but nothing seems to work.  Is there anyone out there that may be able to help I'd really appreciate it.
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
It's a known bug and has NOT been fixed, at least in 7.2 (perhaps they are saying it's fixed in 7.3, which hasn't been released).
By wendyluvscatz - 7 Years Ago
I am only on iC6 but can you export it elsewhere say your desktop then copy the file over afterwards?
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago

It's not really a disk issue, but an XChange issue -- doesn't matter what you do, you can't export a rig that isn't premapped with another loaded rig (which works IF you can map the rig first and then save it.  For humans this is no problem, but for non-human characters it's impossible).

This bug was picked up immediately in 7.2 and reported.  And, I assume, then fixed.  But no new release has been forthcoming.
By skearndas - 7 Years Ago
Thanks for this information guys, I really appreciate your input. I guess the techs are working on the bug as we speak. I'm also going to contact help to find out what they have to say regarding the Solved issue. They may have something more to add. Unfortunately this slows progression with my project though. Oh well! I'll just have to work around it for now.
By tq.linux - 7 Years Ago
I want you to try "Apply To iClone7".
I sometimes use this way.
Please don't forget save in IC7.
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
The 7.21 update should be released next week so please check again after the update is available. Final testing is still ongoing but these issues should be resolved in 7.21. :)
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Good news, indeed.
By skearndas - 7 Years Ago
Yes great news!  I'm looking forward to finishing my character in the coming week.  Thanks to all for your advice, it was much appreciated.