By rvwalsh - 7 Years Ago
bought 3dx pipeline - cna import fbx in the pipeline and iClone 7 - CC2 wants a fbxkey - isn't $500 enough
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
When you export the character from CC it will generate the fbx key.
By rvwalsh - 7 Years Ago
I tried that and got a message that I need a license - just what dose 3dxported pipeline do for me - I want to use Marvelous Designer to created outfits
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
You can't export ALL the avatars -- those with morphs you don't have the export license you cannot, for example. But you don't need those. Just load the default PBR female (or male) in and export them (they will export). Use THEM to model your clothes and when you bring the clothes in they will conform to whatever morphs you then apply.
By Delerna - 7 Years Ago
Im expanding what has been stated already just to try and make this as clear as possible for you.
You have bought 3DXchange pipeline which is the tool that gives you 2 basic functions 1) import content made in other software for use in iClone 2) export iClone/CC content for use in other software. There is more uses but that's the basics
iClone and CC come with a set of basic contents, for example the default avatars mentioned by Kellytoons but there are also some default clothes, props etc etc that come with iClone and CC. All of these default contents you can export without any problems and when you export them the fbxkey gets automatically created. The fbxkey is needed if you want to modify the content in a 3D modeller and then import it back into CC. You must have the fbxkey to import the content back into CC for example. But that is only needed if the content originally came from iClone. If you completely make your own model then fbxkey is not needed.
The error you posted has nothing to do with what I mentioned above Rather it relates to purchased content from reallusions store or the marketplace When you buy content (clothes/ characters/shoes etc) you have the choice of paying for its use in iClone/CC only or you can pay a bit extra to enable you to export that content for use in other applications. That bit extra is what gives you the right to export the content from CC or iClone. That is what the export licence is. Either the character you are trying to export or some of the clothes or maybe even the morphs are something you have purchased but didn't pay for its export licence. Without the export licence you can only use what you bought in CC or iClone.
You can always go to your account and upgrade the things you have purchase so you have the export licence for that content. So the message you are getting relates to content you have purchased. Export content that came with CC and iClone by default or buy export licence vesions of purchased contents and you wont get that message
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
For making clothes, unless the character shape is extremely customized, it is best to use the basic male and female. The clothing you make will be auto-conforming to the reshaping of your character in CC.
Oh, and you do need the FBX key to import your model back into CC, even if it was not purchased content. It's just part of the process. Whenever you export a model, that key is generated, as people have mentioned. Reallusion also supplies bases with FBXKeys for people who do not have Pipeline to export from. You can get them here if you ever need them.
By rvwalsh - 7 Years Ago
thanks everyone - this helps a lot
By nicob2 - 7 Years Ago
Mike - is the FBXket found automatically or embedded - I cannot find the exported key from the DAZ model - goin crazy here
By Peter (RL) - 7 Years Ago
nicob2 (10/25/2018) Mike - is the FBXket found automatically or embedded - I cannot find the exported key from the DAZ model - goin crazy here
The FBXKey is generated automatically when you export an FBX character from CC. It is not embedded and is a separate file that can be found in the same folder as the FBX model.
So for example if you export an FBX character and call it Example.FBX, you will also have a Example.FBXKey file with it in the output folder.
By stringssl.wm - 6 Years Ago
i have the same trouble. i am trying to import the model back into cc3 and it says to add an fbx key. when i export the file out it does not create a key .
By vidi - 6 Years Ago
do you export as fbx?
By Nebula480 - 6 Years Ago
I feel you. I'm having the same issue. Exported from CC3 to fbx. Opened the character in blender where I made a shirt for it, then when I tried to open said shirt in CC3 the fbx key is nowhere to be found
By Peter (RL) - 6 Years Ago
delock51 (1/17/2019) I feel you. I'm having the same issue. Exported from CC3 to fbx. Opened the character in blender where I made a shirt for it, then when I tried to open said shirt in CC3 the fbx key is nowhere to be found
If you are bringing in an item of clothing you should use OBJ format and not FBX. You won't need a key file for OBJ. In CC3 Just go to Create > Cloth, Hair, Acc... from the Menu Bar and select your OBJ.
By tomcleaver - 6 Years Ago
Woops dopey me, please delete this post :P