Low-poly export

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By webdeveloperruiz - 7 Years Ago
hi guys i'm trying to use character creator for a game but these FBX are so high-poly and the size are higher than 40 MB and i nee low -poly lower than 10MB
anyone help me ? i need export my fbx in low-poly
By Kelleytoons - 7 Years Ago
Character Creator isn't really made for very low poly stuff, although you can reduce the texture sizes.  What you'll need to do if you do want to use it as a starting point is bring it into a program where you can decimate with tools either built-in or available for purchase.  Blender and Daz Studio would be the two that come to mind.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
What engine are you using for your game? The big guys probably have decimation plugins. For others, Blender is a good choice, as it can keep your UVs intact. DAZ wont work for characters, as it cannot import a boned/skinned model.