By tianjinwuyong - 7 Years Ago
I have exported a character to fbx and tried to import to unity 3d, but I don't get any texture. I used to have everything before I don't know why. before I used iclone 7.02 and 3d exchange compatible. after I update to the latest I don't have textures.
Do you guys have the same problem? Anybody can help?
By Chuck (RL) - 7 Years Ago
1) Did you use the Unity settings during export? 2) Can you check if the materials still reference the 'textures" folder? (by checking the Unity materials).
By tianjinwuyong - 7 Years Ago
yes, I did. see this.
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
Did you recently update to Unity 2017.3 as well?
By tianjinwuyong - 7 Years Ago
yes i did. my unity is 2017.3
By tianjinwuyong - 7 Years Ago
You think this problem is caused by the new version of unity? I used to have .fbm file Where I have all the textures and which is created automatically. see the pic attached. now I don't have one. by the way what is .fbm? and how is it created? I don't have it now. so what do you guys think can be the problem
By TonyDPrime - 7 Years Ago
Since you say y that you had it previously working, just a troubleshooting step, can you try an import that had previously worked (either with 7.02 or the previous Unity), and see how it imports now. And by this I mean use the actual file you had created back when things were working.
If it does work in current Unity, like it did before, then recreate the same thing from scratch with the new/current iClone and Unity and see if you can see any structural differences in file arrangement, etc.
By tianjinwuyong - 7 Years Ago
it used to work. now i update everything to the latest. and it won't work anymore
By Rampa - 7 Years Ago
Try un-checking the "Embed Textures". See if it then will save an FMB folder.