Problems importing FBX form CC to Blender
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By henrik_71
8 Years Ago
I export character from CC as FBX and import into Blender for Binding a Dress.
But the character that is imported is somehow way distorted.
See image:
I have tried several characters
Any ideas what this can be.
By wires
8 Years Ago
What you show is normal for any character imported into Blender. Take a look at the tutorials and help available in
this thread
By Wuv3D
8 Years Ago
henrik_71 (11/15/2017)
...I export character from CC as FBX and import into Blender for Binding a Dress.
But the character that is imported is somehow way distorted.
Where is it distorted?
By Rampa
8 Years Ago
Blender displays the length of a bone along the Y axis, and most everything else displays the length of the bone along the Z axis. That is why you see bones sticking out in strange ways. The joints and hierarchy are fine, and will not be effected by the alternate display.
When you bring the file back into CC, or anywhere else, it will display as expected.
By henrik_71
8 Years Ago
ok perfect, thx.
By Wuv3D
8 Years Ago
X,Y and Z coordinates do not point in the same direction in all programs.
The coordinate axis that points upward is known as it's "Up Axis."
Programs such as iClone's and 3ds Max have an "Up Axis" of (Z).
Programs such as Blender - Maya - Unity.... have an "Up Axis" of (Y).
When exporting to Blender from 3dxch or CC... use the following export settings..
Click the Blender tab. your bones are exported in the (Y+)... Y
Up Axis cooordinate.
If you were exporting from 3dxch or CC to 3ds Max or Unreal.... programs with the up axis (Z)
You would use the (Y-) export settings.
...exporting in the (Y-) Y
Up Axis coordinate.
Hope This Helps