Problem with Character Creator Clothing
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By Terry Miller - 8 Years Ago
This is very frustrating. I am creating a character that is supposed to wear jeans, the tunic from the Assassin's Playset, and the coat from the same set. The problem is that when I add the tunic, the jeans disappear. If i remove the tunic and just do a t-shirt and jeans, when I add the coat, the shirt disappears. I have read all of the documentation with Character Creator, and I can't find anything that addresses this problem. 

By Kelleytoons - 8 Years Ago
Yeah, been there, had that happen...

The problem is layer ID -- CC allows only one item of clothing per layer ID.  The solution is to change the layer ID (you can do this in the conform menu, under the advanced options -- sorry, can't tell you exactly right now as I'm not on or near my computer.  But holler if you can't find it).  Once you change the ID you can load another item of clothing with that old ID in.
By Kelleytoons - 8 Years Ago
Cloth layer settings, click the gear, and change collison order number (got to my computer finally).
By Terry Miller - 8 Years Ago
Excellent, thank you for your help.
By Exposure Games - 5 Years Ago
I'm having the same problem. Except your fix doesn't quite work for me.
When I change the shirt layer to 2, the next clothing item I bring in, also goes to 2. regardless of what I change it to, the next item goes to that layer.

EDIT - I fixed it. You have to save the clothing again, as a new item of clothing, with the new cloth settings.