A Project I am working on.

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By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
This is a Garbage truck that I have been working on. I created a bunch of the parts and downloaded and modified a bunch of the parts from the Sketchup Warehouse. Anyway, I wanted to share this with you guys. I have not spent any time tweaking the lighting but it still looks pretty good.

It is going to be used in the animated web series CLICS. You can read all about it here clics.online

Let me know what you think.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/ee64ae22-6b86-497b-8a94-bd68.png

By Kelleytoons - 8 Years Ago
I think you'd be better off embedding this image for others to see, rather than requiring others to download.
By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
Thanks for the suggestion.
By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
This is the garbage truck rendered with Raylectron Render plugin in Sketchup. 
By animagic - 8 Years Ago
It's a very nice model. I like it.
By justaviking - 8 Years Ago
That is quite a change from the first picture you posted.
Definitely a move from "good" to "great."  :)
By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
Thank you for the encouragement. My goal is to render an animation in iclone7 that has this kind of results. 
I am trying to learn how PBR works. Hopefully, I will figure it out. 

By mark - 8 Years Ago
That's quite a ride!!! Excellent!!!
By wungun - 8 Years Ago
This is looking good like the mods you did cant wait to see more.
By freerange - 8 Years Ago
Very nice, I would add some company logos to the doors and bin side. When you set up materials for iClone, if you have it, use Substance and use their procedural weathering. No truck, even freshly washed is that clean.

Once you dial in the materials I think it will look amazing. 
By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
You are right about that. This is right off the assembly line. I am learning how to use Substance Designer. There is so much I have to learn. 

By ckalan1 - 8 Years Ago
I have been messing around with Substance Designer and here are some results. I still have ways to go but I am working on it.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/9e274b15-8c43-4ab0-9e37-75e6.png
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
I can't figure out how to make a new post but since this is part of the project I am working on I will put it here.
This is a render of the rocket fuel manifold and routing system for the Transport Ship I am modeling for the CLICS project.

By animagic - 7 Years Ago
That is an elaborate model! I like the metallic look.

As to starting a new topic, go to the main page of a topic area and click "Post Topic".

By Tarampa Studios - 7 Years Ago
Love, love love your models ckalan1. 
I sure hope we'll be able to buy them. 
I'm working on a science toon for kids at the moment, where I'm trying to grab all the best techno assets I can find, but that garbage truck also looks great!
Does it have separate sub-props for wheels, doors and the bit at the back that scrunches the rubbish..?
It looks fantastic brand new, but if you also had a rusted/old version of it, then that model could also look very cool with the grunge/rust layer added to the blend map. 

Either way, thanks for adding your new project to this topic for the old one, because I had missed it the first time round.

By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Thank you so much. I appreciate the encouraging remarks. I am now working on the trailer for CLICS. I will be selling the assets that I make for the project. It looks like it will be a while before I get a good amount uploaded to the store. You can look at the website at http://clics.online
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Thanks for the tip Animagic. I know I stumbled upon that before but I could not for the life of me remember where it was. Now all I have to do is figure out which place is the right place to share my stuff.

Thanks again.

By Tarampa Studios - 7 Years Ago
Excellent work! Your website looks cool. 
That flickering in your lighting (in your website header video etc) can be tricky to fix, but there's a few different tricks that can help, 
(I just had to solve the same problem in one of my projects, caused mainly by the glow settings.) 

In  Project/Visual Settings you can try ticking "Supress light flicker" if you haven't already, 
but also rendering at 1920x1080 as an avi with Render Quality set to "Final Render" ,  Super Sampling ticked and Sample size switched up to 3x3... 

and if that doesn't work let me know and I'll dig up the suggestions from other folks who had the same problem but for different asset combinations. 

I think RL are working on a fix for it, so hopefully we'll have that soon, but best of luck with your project in the meantime!
Looking great! 

By Tarampa Studios - 7 Years Ago
Wow that was weird... internet glitched and posted my reply twice...

so I deleted it manually... wish we could delete our whole posts, but it's not an option in this forums, please just consider this post to be like those hilarious last pages in some books which ironically say: 

"This page intentionally left blank"

By Peter Blood - 7 Years Ago
We should have a special club for all of us that have double-posted due to the lag time of the forum. :P  We could call it "The You Got Me Club" 
I'm thinking we would need a really LARGE clubhouse. :D

:cool: pete
By kungphu - 7 Years Ago
impressive work! You're one to watch.  Ok... we're expecting big things from ya now :) Hard to believe that was all in sketchup aside from materials.
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is the beta version of the house where Darla lives. I think I am going to do a little substance work.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/4fce47b3-b065-4abf-8e14-9bd9.png
By Tarampa Studios - 7 Years Ago
LOL that's so perfect you're gonna need a tuft of grass here and there out of place so it looks like real humans live there... maybe a discarded pushbike on the lawn, or a few weeds along the bricks where the owners neglected to whipper-snipper well enough... oh wait, maybe that's just a bit of guilt from my own place, hahaha. 
By Rogue Anime - 7 Years Ago
Very Sharp! We'll be watching your WIP  ~V~
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Funny you should mention that. I was talking to my wife about that right after I posted. She agrees that it is too perfect and chuckled. 
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Funny you should mention that. I was talking to my wife about that right after I posted. She agrees that it is too perfect and chuckled. 
By kungphu - 7 Years Ago
Yeah needs some weeds like the ones I’m too lazy to pull in my own yard and a couple pesky areas where the grass juuuuust won’t grow. Really impressed watching your WIP! Keep it up and if you’re willing to sell your assets, I’m sure plenty of us will be willing to buy!
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/a10bbaed-62e6-4895-a597-d0ba.pngThis is the start of Genron. Genron is the name of the planet where TVLCOG is located. What do you think https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/99c135da-4e97-4a65-ab0c-5698.pngTVLCOG stands for? 
By Rogue Anime - 7 Years Ago
Planet Corporatia!  Very nice - super clean scene, Eugene :laugh: ~V~
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is an animatic (moving storyboard) of the trailer. I am experimenting with lighting, colors, some lipsync stuff. check out the guy with the sunglasses. I worked on him. The others I just let iclone pretty much take care of lips.

Let me know what you think.

By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is something that I have been working on. It has a bunch more work needed but I wanted to see what a very complex model would look like. 
By Rogue Anime - 7 Years Ago
Nice lab! Waiting to see the rest ~V~
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Me too. Thanks for the compliment and watching.Stay tuned. There is more to come.

By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
These are more tests and learning experiences.
I am starting to see great potential with iclone. It takes quite a bit of effort but the tools are getting there. 

By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is the cloning chamber. I made this in Sketchup and imported it via 3dxchange into iclone. Not much time spent on lighting but I am learning.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/9f17052f-7634-4b67-9334-1739.pnghttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/98e18cf4-591f-4a57-b912-4fe8.png
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is another prop that I started in Sketchup went to 3dXchange then to iClone 7. 
I used an existing model from the warehouse as the basis for this one. 
By Peter Blood - 7 Years Ago
ckalen 1
Everything here is very impressive sir. Great work. I am especially fond of the cloning chamber. It's amazing what sketch-up
can produce when in the hands of an artist. Super professional looking prop, I just love it. Kudos. :D

:cool: pete
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Thank you for your kind words. 

By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is another scene that looks pretty good. I did not finish the details but I think by the time iClone gets the new render engine up and running I will have a bunch of the project ready for primetime.https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/f254cb48-2494-4e88-bae3-8d5d.png
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
Good for you ckalan1!
Wishing you the very best!!!

◇◇◇ Believe you can - and you're half way there. ◇◇◇  - T. Roosesvelt
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
This is one of the main characters from my CLICS. Her name is Bambi. She is an Irvine HS cheerleader. 
I think it looks pretty good but with the new iray render engine it could be better. I am not happy with the hair. I will try to fix that ASAP.
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
This is a set for a few of the scene for CLICS. I am getting closer to an acceptable set building. https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/a9c0c927-381d-41f6-bcd6-a115.png
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
Hi again! ....
I was wondering how many (and which ones) of your sets/props you've achieved using 'sketchup' ....
I'd be really keen to know ....
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
I am using SketchUp for almost everything. There are a few plugins that I have purchased that give SketchUp some pretty powerful capabilities. There is also a boatload of free plugins that are quite useful. I have dabbled in other programs but I find that those have many features that I don't need. As a matter of fact, I have Maya, Houdini, 3dsMax, and Carrara. Each of those programs can run circles around Sketchup but at this point for what I am doing, I do not need them.  

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
Craig .....
I am 'Maya', 'Houdini', '3dsmax' and 'Carrara' illiterate - along with any 'pragramming' ability..... (sometimes I wonder if there's anything I'm good at :crying: lol).
But this is really encouraging to know you've used 'sketchup' on virtually all your work here - (I'm not too bad with sketchup).. and surely this is encouraging to others who find Maya and the other Big Guns hard to master.
In particular that helmet of yours (referring to SU), is impressive. I guess some folk tend to associate SU with architecture (ie straight line work), but as you say, with 'plugins' more is possible. In fact a lot more really. TBO it's my 'go to' app for creating anything. With enough effort some really nice 'organic' modelling can be created. I find it extremely 'intuitive' to use.
I'm really really impressed with what you've shown here .... please post more and do keep us up to date with your project Craig !!!

btw Craig ..... - your 'texturing' - is that handled in SU as well? - Would you mind telling us a little about that part of your workflow?

◇◇◇ You have to do what you dream of doing - even while you're afraid. ◇◇◇  - Arianna Huffington
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is my basic workflow. I will be posting a detailed Tutorial on the http://CLICS.online website in the near future.

The first step is very important. - Play appropriate background music for inspiration.

Analyses script - Create Scene Shot list

   Organize File Management (setup a file structure on your hard drive to keep all the objects and projects you create)

Draw storyboards

Build 3d object in SketchUp: Group parts, Name parts, Create Assembly of parts, Name assembly, Save to SketchUp 2015

Import to 3dExchange - Subgroup Parts, Smooth Parts, Export to iClone

In iClone - Place the object in the scene, Texture, Light

By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
@Craig .... nice approach here - I liked your 'first step' (the music)  :P

● Play appropriate background music for inspiration.
● Analyze script - Create Scene Shot list
● Organize File Management (setup a file structure on your hard drive to keep all the objects and projects you create)
● Draw storyboards
● Build 3d object in SketchUp: Group parts, Name parts, Create Assembly of parts, Name assembly, Save to SketchUp 2015
● Import to 3dExchange - Subgroup Parts, Smooth Parts, Export to iClone
● In iClone - Place the object in the scene, Texture, Light

I've only textured in sketchup so far, but seeing what sets and props you've created, (great look), - I'd like to try texturing in iClone - seems a whole big topic on it's own.
Thanks very much for sharing this .... 

◇◇◇ Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use. ◇◇◇  - Unknown
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Yes, I have found that texturing is very important. I am still experimenting with different ways of getting that done. Someone just posted this https://material-z.com/  I have not used it or even tried figuring it out. 
The other thing is lighting and PBR stuff. I have not really got that nailed yet either but I think I am getting closer.
iClone is getting pretty complicated.
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
Your comment  " ..... iClone is getting pretty complicated .... "
Yes, I noticed you've been a member here for 10 years - I bet you've seen big changes in that time.
Even I've seen big changes since I joined 3 years (at which time I didn't start creating anything).
And I really quite liked the look/feel of iClone 5 - the style of the User Interface somehow 'resonated' with me.
But yes, each section/feature of the current version is becoming more and more detailed - therefore more complicated for 'first time' users aa well as us 'older ones'. I've got a lot of catching up to do. But I want to concentrate on:
●1.  Importing and arranging mostly sketchup or DAZ sets & props
●2.  lighting the scenes
●3.  setting up camera angles
●4   animating avatar actors for the wide shots
●5   using 'live actors' keyed in for the closeup / lip-sync shots.
That's why I'm particularly interested in your approach, because we have things in common. :)
Anyway Craig - I don't want to side-track your thread here .... :satisfied:
By ckalan1 - 7 Years Ago
Here is another character named Julie. I have been experimenting with PBR, textures and lighting. https://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/38fd38f0-cbab-4f89-8a15-a7e8.png
By Rogue Anime - 7 Years Ago
Top shelf - very impressed! Use this character in a tutorial to reveal your process for those like myself who have not achieved such excellent results! Thanks allot  :cool:~V~
By sonic7 - 7 Years Ago
>>>> Rogue Anime ... Top shelf - very impressed! Use this character in a tutorial to reveal your process for those like myself who have not achieved such excellent results! Thanks allot  Cool~V~  <<<<
Have to agree with you, I'm following Craig's excellent work  ....