Free trial expired before even starting
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By Mostafa_arafa_95 - 8 Years Ago
Hey, I just installed iClone 7 ,signed up and confirmed my email .After downloading the program and logging in It says my 30 days already have expired

please tell me what can I do to solve this issue 
sorry for my bad English and thanks for reading my post
By Peter (RL) - 8 Years Ago
Unfortunately it isn't possible to reset a trial once it has expired. It is possible in this case that a copy of the iClone 7 trial was previously installed on this computer already. However please be aware that we do offer a 14 day money back guarantee on our products. This way if you do decide to purchase iClone 7, and then find it doesn't meet your needs, you can still request a full refund within the 14 days.
By michaelboyle2 - 5 Years Ago
You keep giving people the same response assuming they're trying to use the trial multiple times. I had the same problem on my laptop that has never had it installed. I also tried installing it on another and it wouldn't even run. I'm in IT and both machines were Windows 10.

It may be a fine product, but face it - you've got a bug and many people will never be able to run the trial.
By Peter (RL) - 5 Years Ago
Hi Michael

Our trial versions have been downloaded and installed many thousands of times but only a handful encounter problems with the trial ending early. This shows the problem is not a general bug in the trial version as it would affect everyone if that were the case. Sometimes the trial version issue can be related a change in the clock settings during the trial, or even a system registry issue occurring that prevents the trial version being correctly registered during installation.

Of course whatever the reason it is frustrating when this happens which is why we offer the 14 day money back guarantee. This gives everyone a chance to still evaluate our software and decide if it meets their needs..   
By michaelboyle2 - 5 Years Ago
Ok. Well it did freeze during the install so that's probably where the problem arose.