How do I get 10 different characters into the scene
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By aw.dat - 8 Years Ago
at 10 different places in the scene, before i start animating them ?
By paulg625 - 8 Years Ago
There are a couple of ways to get characters into a scene. First a problem you might encounter is if you still have a character selected and you click on a new character the character will be replace (which is powerful when you want it to happen). So first you need to deselect a character by clicking some where else in the scene. Now by double clicking on a character in your content your new character will be dropped into the world at the origin of the world. Then you will re-position them to needed location.

Another way still making sure you don't have a character selected. You drag a character into the scene from your content  and drop them close to the location you want. Sometime this works well sometimes not due to your position in the world and where Iclone thinks you want the character. But both methods will allow you to get your characters into the world.

You can then use the scene tab to select the character you want to work with or click directly on them to work with them.
By Delerna - 8 Years Ago
Just expanding the reply on the usefulness of characters getting replaced.
One powerful part of a character getting replaced if it is selected when you load another character is

Say I have created an animation and later on I decide I should have used a different character for one of the characters for that animation.
Select that character and load a new character and the character gets replaced but that characters animation remains on the new character. Very helpful.

Maybe I don't have several of the characters I need for the video I want to make yet but I am keen to start my animation.
The above means I can do my animation with any characters and replace each one of them with the actual characters once I have them.